Hi W0rm,
Hi Heimo,

     About "LSppp V0.764" of April 18:

MS> I D/Ld it from http://www.inti.be/hammer/lsppp764.zip...
HS> Why does the author's website still point to version .75?
MS> I have no idea!
HC> ...a test version...  Author David Lindauer may have own his reasons
HC> to consider it not yet ready for "release"...
MS> I believe TechW0rm or David Lindauer both had a couple opportunities
MS> to set the matter straight...
TW> Although I don't much read SurvPC any longer, I came across the
TW> messages regarding V0.764...  I haven't seen David Lindauer online
TW> in awhile...  I've not heard of LSppp V0.764, it's probably one of
TW> Dave's test...  ...I'll test it out to make sure it works for me...
TW> ...if so I'll update...  My site's now at http://dos.li5.org btw.

     Thank you for replying.  I noticed that you aren't reading `SurvPC'
too often so i'll post this to the mail-list _and_ directly to you also.


     I've been using `LSPPP v0.764' for some time now, so far so good...
It loads and seems to work correctly on my 8088 512 Mb ~RAM~ LapTop, the
LEGACY test has been short so i can't tell what that will be like in the
long run.  What i know is that my 486-100 Mhz is happy with it and Heimo
has been saying about the same with his own HardWare setup.  I think you
will find that `LSPPP v0.764' deserves the confidence Heimo has into it.

HC> ...why not contribute a little and voluntarily to the testing...
MS> I _did_ want to contribute and i did prove that i was more than
MS> willing!  ...my signature...  ...it is now on top of my dialing
MS> directory, that's the 1st thing `{Commo}' will connect to.

     I noticed that you haven't kept that part, i made `{Commo}' work as
an external dialer for `LSPPP';  it's also a terminal emulator for local
BBS DialUp calls and it works well enough as a ~TelNet~ client.  I start
it, i select the ~ISP~ entry of my choice or i call a BBS if i prefer...
a multi-user/semi-automatic UserName/PassWord validation `{Commo}' macro
takes over and `LSPPP' is loaded on exit when required or my BBS session
begins.  I must have begun developing this approach somewhere around '96
but i'm not shure about the dates anymore, i adapted it for `LSPPP' last
year and it's been on my ~WEB~ site since then for all to try...  I'd be
glad if it could help someone:  you can make it your own if you like to.

     By your own i mean as-is, with modifications or just as a prototype
model for later inclusion of dialer features during further development.


     Of course, my `{Commo}' macro has evolved a bit since last year but
there was so few interrest in the `FidoNet_DOS-InterNet' echo that i did
not bother to update my site to include my latest findings (i've added a
couple directory entries which take care of ~TelNet~ sessions to ~POP3~,
~SMTP~ or ~NNTP~ servers - crude but usefull on LEGACY machines)...  The
idea is to put all the necessary operations in a same place (an entry of
the `{Commo}' dialing directory), euh...  to account for *SPECIAL* cases
(which i personnaly encounter) and where my ~IPS~s ~PPP~ server pool can
be less than consistant:  other dialer scripts failed because of this...
I can think of a few more things;  i got to explain about the advantages
of having an external dialer, i suppose, but lets say i'd be glad if all
a new DOS INet user needs to do is to run through a "Setup Wizard" macro
in order to load `MS-Kermit', `RLFossil', `Arachne', `KALI' or who knows
what else...  A merge between `LSPPP' and my `{Commo}' GlueWare would be
nice, i wish to know what it sounds like for you or David Lindauer.  :^)

     That's what i'm able to contribute with and you may even like it...
No "Setup Wizard" secondary macro exists as of yet but that is possible!


TW> As for the fate of LSicq, that's not quite known to me, Dave didn't
TW> sound too enthusiastic about re-writing all the protocols last I
TW> talked to him and I've gotten no response from the trillian...

     I thank you for the news, i won't ask more.  Too bad `LSICQ' is now
made obsolete because of people who can't care less about a bunch of DOS
users...  :(  I'll regret that all i done with it comes down to a single
event:  that night when you wrote that i had been added to your contact-
list!  %-)  It seems we'll never meet there, i don't use `Win ICQ' here!

TW> ...good luck with you DOS internet guys...

     Anyone can reach me via the list (when it works), via the `FdN_DOS-
INet' echomail or by visiting my personal ~WEB~ site (contact link).  :)

     It was nice to have you around!  Don't hesitate to send me a couple
lines if any of what i wrote happens to be of some interrest to you!  :)

                            Michel Samson
                            a/s Bicephale
                            UnZip `LSPPPDlr.ZIP' at the root of C: using
                            "-d" (for directories) and then type "Commo"

... I BBS using LEGACY DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK technologies

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