>       I've been using `LSPPP v0.764' for some time now, so far so good...
>  It loads and seems to work correctly on my 8088 512 Mb ~RAM~ LapTop, the
>  LEGACY test has been short so i can't tell what that will be like in the
>  long run.  What i know is that my 486-100 Mhz is happy with it and Heimo
>  has been saying about the same with his own HardWare setup.  I think you
>  will find that `LSPPP v0.764' deserves the confidence Heimo has into it.

I also downloaded v. .764 and it did not chock on authentication like a
previous version did. I have been told I am ahead, if I can successfully
use LSPPP, since it does not have the ``memory leak'' that Tony Lopez's
epppd has - although the latter has worked well for me for years.

Strangely, when I used LSPPP v .764 as the packet driver, consistently
I got slower download speeds from my zoom 56K modem, compared to epppd,
although I do not see how a packet driver can directly effect modem

There are a few things not spelled out in the LSPPP doc that I would like
to understand:

/A   sets PAP timeout and retries
        Must you use this switch to enable PAP authentication?
        Does LSPPP support all three of PAP/CHAP/ordinary login  type
        of authentication? How does it tell which to try, since you
        simply tell it your user name and password?

        Is 3 seconds (default) a reasonable time or ISP authentication?

/B   sets the baud rate.
        I hope/assume this is the speed of the modem, not the speed the com
        port talks to the modem - which is faster usually?
/F   sets the ``level'' of the com port buffer
        What does this number mean? I take it it has something to do with
        enabling fifo buffering? Does it affect speed? If not, does LSPPP
        set com port speed somehow?
/L & /P sets the timeouts for ``link'' and IP configuration respectively
        I think I understand IP config., but do not know what link config.
        is. I discovered, my ISP uses more than 3 seconds for what LSPPP
        calls IP config -- more like 8 seconds. Otherwise LSPPP reports
        ``failed to connect ---''

        Is 3 seconds (default) a reasonable time these times for most
        ISPs? Do these times very in real calls? Is is best to err towards
        longer timeouts to assure connections? Do ISPs always take about
        the same time to do these? Is it better to use a short time and
        several retries or a longer time and 1 or 2 retries?

Matters like the above probably affect successful connects, so it is not
to know about them, so I do not mistake failed connections with defects
in LSPPP instead of incorrect timeout settings.

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