Just sketching an idea, not testet. Requires OS to load first, but still - might be 
Does not prevent infection, but lets you know on next reboot if something is changed 
(if you
don't reboot often you could schedule this test to be run at certain intervals...)

Have a look at "MBRWORK" <http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/downloads/MBRWORK.ZIP>
at <http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/utilities.html>.
Page/readme does not say anything about FAT16 or 32...but
it seems recently updated (July 2001)...(?)

Use this (or similar software) to make backup copy of MBR, hide the file as txt or 
Then, upon every boot run MBRWORKS to create a temp file of current MBR. Then use a 
utility, comparing the temp file (current MBR) with the backup (last known good MBR). 
out exit codes and routine to use if mismatch (fx. if mismatch - replace current MBR 
backup, then reboot, or - sound alarm - or - whatever)

But of course, by the time you compare and replace the current MBR with the backup, a 
might already be loaded in memory, infecting the new MBR instantly... It might still 
might be
useful though, since if the new MBR is instantly infected again by the active virus, 
you will
get another mismatch on the next boot (or next time you run test).. So at least you 
something is wrong, can then use various scanners to try id/remove the virus....

if you try this approach, let us know...:)

All the best,

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