Bijorn wrote:

 Use this (or similar software) to make backup copy of MBR, hide the
 file as txt or whatever.  Then, upon every boot run MBRWORKS to create
 a temp file of current MBR. Then use a filecompare utility, comparing
 the temp file (current MBR) with the backup (last known good MBR).
 Figure out exit codes and routine to use if mismatch (fx. if mismatch -
 replace current MBR with backup, then reboot, or - sound alarm - or -

Actually I believe tech0worm updated older program that save a copy of
the boot sector, partition table, and FATs  to work with FAT32. These
utilities will compare these parts of the disk to corresponding files
on boot up. As you say, by then the OS has already been loaded and
stealth viruses might already be in memory. One can instantly turn off
the machine when the compare finds differences. However, some viruses
can probably delete lots of funs or do other nasty things, as part of
the boot process, even though you do not run any programs.

That is why disksecure is safer: it stops/detects viruses before the
OS is loaded in ram and thus before viruses or other programs can be

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