On 24 May 02 at 0:00, Wizard57 wrote:

>>I have never messed with one of these "CPU upgrade kits".  But
>>I would guess that you could leave your jumpers for voltage, clock
>>speed and multiplier where you have it set for the 166.  That's not
>>a lot of increase, from 166 to 200, unless the 200 also has MMX,
>>which is purported to be faster than a 200 without MMX.  I have no
>>experience there either, only Pentium class I've used is a Pentium 75
>>and then on the IBM RISC 6000 system it is powered by a 233mHz PowerPC
>>chip...maybe someone on this or the LifeRaft list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>has experience with upgrade kits.  I've read both positive and
>>negative about them.
>>C U L8R!
>>Wiz  <{;-)

I wish I had the "kit", then I'd have the insturctions. ;) It was a
dumpster treasure so for the "price" it will be a good upgrade. Maybe
I'll email Evergreen's tech support and see if they will respond.

Dale Mentzer

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