I have been experimenting with creating a dos box or window
sufficient to run most of my dos programs, within windows 95.
I can, indeed, create a box with almost the same amount of
conventional, upper (umbs), and extended memory as I get in
`real dos'.

However, I discovered that when I use emm386.exe to provide
upper memory (umbs), netscape navigator (4.08) suffers an
appreciable decrease in general browser speed. Anyone have
some ideas why this might occur, and what might be  done
about it?

In this connection, mem in a dos box shows that a stub of
win.com runs in the box, and vmm32.exe takes up a considerable
amount of upper umb, memory for the windows virtual devices.
This can be reduced by the setting, localloadhigh=1 in system.ini.
I do not know what I am  seeing here: I realize vmm32 must run
somewhere in RAM, but it is not clear why a virtual dos machine
must think that it is residing in upper memory blocks (almost
90K or it without the localloadhigh setting).

Would not surprise me to learn I must choose between some
efficiency in windows processing and umbs in dos, but would
like to discover otherwise.

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