
Your problem seems to be related to the parameters you
are using in your config.sys file.

EMM386.EXE can either be set to optimal for using DOS,
or optimal for using WINDOWS. It depends on what
option you chose when you set up the configuration
using memmaker(I am guessing you are using DOS 6.xx).

**CAUTION: You cannot use Memmaker after installing
Windows 95.

If you try to obtain as many UMB blocks as possible
you will be blocking windows from accessing that
memory and therefore it will go noticeably slower.
(You will notice this speed reduction no matter how
much memory you have.) Windows needs that memory area
where UMBs are created to go faster.
You should have this parameters in your EMM386.EXE
setup for windows to run as fast as possible..

device=c:\windows\emm386.exe noems

With this setup you should have enough UMBs and free
conventional memory( The 640k limit). If your
emm386.exe has more complicated parameters you are
probably using to much memory and giving Windows less
than it wants.
I am not sure but you may try to use the latest
version of QUEMM to optimize your setup ( I think it
is compatible with Windows 95, but I am not sure, SO
CHECK IT BEFORE TRYING). I believe it is now freeware.

Good Luck,


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