Hi Listers!
Well, after running NUMEROUS additional tests, I found a few small
buglets in some of the SETUP instructions, so I have written a new
text file, SETUP.TXT and updated the ZIP archive.  Please read SETUP.TXT
and README.TXT for full instructions.  Unfortunately, I don't know much
about making a self-installing file...that will be my next project!
It'd take a bit of work on SETUP.EXE from the full IE3.03 file though.
For now, just remember to make the noted changes in AUTOEXEC.BAT, in
WIN.INI and in SYSTEM.INI, then reboot your computer and restart Windows
That will make all your changes effective, and the dialer will run
properly...as evidenced by this email message, hehe!
Good Luck...
Wiz  <{;-)
Glenn Gilbreath, Jr.
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/index.htm

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