So I tried to get wise from the pertinent HOWTO(*) which is another
example for how _not_ to explain things: the simple task to transfer
some files from one Linux box to another by direct - nullmodem cable -
connection demands setting up a whole "network" and using PPP.

Is this really necessary ?

Isn't there a more straightforward way to use the (serial, parallel)
hardware ports to shovel those bytes from one HD to the other ?

[It's so dang simple in DOS, and why must there be a complete 30-years'
experience and know-hof of "Sys-Admin" to do this under Li/nix ? I've
written a dozen simple utilities, even in interpreter Basic, to get
those bytes over these standardised ports and between completely
incompatible boxes - hy the heck must there be that incredible "admin"
overhead ?]

A propos, someone on this or the other SurvPC list, and quite a while
ago, had it about some "PARPC" utility which would even work in/with
Linux - I found a note I'd scribbled down but cannot find the posting;
Googling gives a stone-old reference to Amiga archives where there's no
least hint to any Linux version/port. Is there anyone who knows about
that thingy ?

// Heimo Claasen // <hammer at revobild dot net> // Brussels 2002-07-22
The WebPlace of ReRead - and much to read  ==>


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