Dear Steven:

    It's not that I don't want a dos partition on my machine, but
the issue of what kind and how BIG.  With Red Hat, after install it
is easy to setup LILO with Linuxconf.  Not that there are no other
ways, as I found that a command-line approach in Linux could change
the default OS loaded.  It's highly possible to just use FDISK under
DOS, but I like the option and convenience of LILO.  But if I use
BasicLinux rather than Red Hat or Windows, then I would want to know
if it will support a chat client {which is doubtful, unfortunately}
and printer support.  Red Hat could do most, if not all of this, pro-
vided I had a Pentium I, but I don't.  So I will have to pick and
choose what I can and cannot live with.  Everbody wants everything,
unfortunately, even though the effects of installing it are unknown
to them sometimes.  For example, it may be that my brother Wes has
a System 5 Mac with a big hard drive and modern browser, but no other
OS like Yellow Dog or whatever.  So he wants to and can use Yahoo
chat.  But he's not very aware that I have only an older AT-PC and
I have BIOS limits as to what I can do.  So of course, he wants me
to install Yahoo Messenger, but it is a huge download and requires
Windoze.  But if he was already using a Unix-like OS or OS/2 as an
alternate OS {is this possible on a Mac??} then he could use something
like the Ari text-mode Yahoo chat client.  Then we could be using the
same thing.  At first, for example, I assumed he had Yahoo and Windoze
at home, which he doesn't.  Instead, he has a Mac of some sort.  Then
I found out he "chats" at work using a much more advanced computer.
But apparently he wants to chat at home too, so that's more of a
problem.  As well as that, I told him about the "ICQ Lite" page, but
I don't know if he wants to use that yet or not.  Both Wes and Linda
my sister want to "chat" or use the telephone, but they live in
California {Wes}, and Colorado {Linda}.  Those rates to those states
I don't like.  Too bad Wes doesn't live in Oregon.



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