On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 02:13:16AM +0000, Charles Angelich wrote:

> >4 meg ram seems to be the lower limit for a lot of stuff. I can get
> >Linux kernel 2.0 (BasicLinux i.e Slack 3.5, Debian 1.3) on my 5 meg
> >386 and run Lynx386 in DOS.
> Unfortunately most who have managed to find workable 4 meg installs
> don't document what they've used and the archives they accessed to
> do this are often deleted from FTP servers leaving few opportunities
> for others to follow these paths. :-\

I installed BasicLinux in 5 meg using baslin17.zip, bas2hd.zip, and
bas4mb.zip following the instructions at the BasicLinux homepage.

I installed standard Debian 1.3 from a CD using the "lowmem" boot

> >Getting things to work on my 2 meg (really 640 + 1024k) 386 laptop
> >is more difficult. Lynx386 won't work in DOS and there is too little
> >ram for Minix386. Minix86 works, but, while it can do PPP, there are
> >very few apps. I have read that Lynx for Minix requires 4 meg.
> I am impressed that any version of Minix will install with that
> amount of memory, kudos to Tannenbaum eh?

And kudos to the fellow in South America that wrote the SLIP and
PPP drivers for Minix. Have you actually tried using Minix?

> >Beside a small FreeDOS partition, I have managed to install version
> >2.0 of Smalllinix which uses Linux kernel 1.0.9 (not Y2K) and has
> >serial and SLIP/CSLIP but not PPP. It can run programs (ELF) from
> >BasicLinux but can't use the kernel modules required for PPP, etc.

The small kernel Linux's can be installed using the traditional boot
disk + root disk. So far, I am more "impressed" with what I can do
with these than with what I can do with Minix.

> I almost installed Linux v0.94 onto an XT way back when then decided
> it was too much trouble. :-)

XT? I have spent the last few weeks playing around with this stuff
and actually got a lot farther than I thought I would. I'm not
trying to convince anyone about anything, but figured perhaps someone
else on the list might be interested in this type of project for
low-end survpc's. I guess I should have changed the Subject: header
first. :-)

Howard E.

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