Some information from the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

"Windows 95 and MS-DOS use the FDISK utility to partition a disk. When it
accesses a hard disk, FDISK uses the system AT ROM BIOS INT13h interface,
which has a maximum of 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, and 63 sectors per track.
FDISK can access any drive within the limits imposed by the AT ROM BIOS,
which means that FDISK can access drives of up to 8 GB, calculated as

   1024 cylinders x 255 heads x 63 sectors per track x 512 bytes per
   sector = 8,422,686,720 bytes, or roughly 8 GB"

[That would be your LARGE]

"The original IDE hardware interface is limited to 16 heads, which reduces
the maximum drive size to 504 MB."

[That would be your NORMAL - limited by the original IDE spec (cable signal

"Newer IDE (ATAPI) technology, however, uses a translation scheme called
Logical Block Addressing (LBA) to exceed the 504 MB limit as imposed by the
system AT ROM BIOS and IDE specification. SCSI and ESDI hard drive
controllers use similar translation methods that are usually built into the
controller card's ROM BIOS to exceed the 504 MB size limit."

[That is your LBA]

LBA is, of course, standard nowadays.  Basically, with LBA you forget about
cylinders, heads, and sectors on a cylinder, and just give the number of the
sector on the *disk* (let the disk hardware worry about where it really is).

Every IDE disk supports "normal," even the really huge ones, since they have
to be backward compatible.  Of course, if your OS only supports that, you
need to use the disk partitioning software that comes with the disk to get
around the limitation, else use only part of your disk.  Most also support
"large," whereby the disk lies about how many heads it has (called
"translation") in order to keep the number of cylinders under 1024.  Newer
disks all support LBA.

Some SurvPC's, of course, have lower limits than even the original "normal"
IDE spec.  My old 386 BIOS has only predefined drive types, no user-defined
type, so I can't install anything bigger than 312MB in it.  DOS earlier than
5.0 won't format partitions larger than 32MB (though you could have
several - limitation due to maximum cluster size).  In DOS 2.x, the limit
was even smaller, 20MB I think, though I'm probably wrong on that - and you
could only have one partition.

Jeffrey L. Hayes

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Angelich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: What is the difference? CMOS setup.

Hello Constant -

At 03:42 PM 8/16/02 +0700, you wrote:
>If I go into my Cmos setup I find that my hard discs can be
>automatically detected. What I do not understand is why
>there are three choices possible.
>The choice which is highlighted (2) is labeled LBA.
>The others are NORMAL and LARGE.
>Can somebody tell me what the difference is.
>What is the abbreviation LBA?
>And why is it highlighted?


logical block addressing

Logical block addressing is a technique that allows a computer to address a
hard disk larger than 528 megabytes. A logical block address is a 28-bit
value that maps to a specific cylinder-head-sector address on the disk. 28
bits allows sufficient variation to specify addresses on a hard disk up to
8.4 gigabytes in data storage capacity. Logical block addressing is one of
the defining features of Enhanced IDE (EIDE), a hard disk interface to the
computer bus or data paths.

Hope this helps.

Charles Angelich

The Ghost in the Machine!

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