On Mon, Jul 24, 2006 at 11:40:40PM +0200, Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote something about integrating s2disk with powersaved (appended).
> Please have a look.  [I've already seen that SUSE 10.1 uses the same
> mechanism, so this seems to apply to it either.]
> I'd like to add it to the package as a "miscellaneous" document.

It looks good, however i'd like Holger's comment if it is a good idea
to replace the do_suspend_to_disk action, since it might do some additional
stuff (ignoring button events after resume comes to my mind) or if we should
just advise to hack /usr/lib/powersave/do_acpi_sleep, where the stuff is
handled now also in a shell script but it might have a special handling
around it. 
> Greetings,
> Rafael
> --
> Integration of s2disk/resume with existing setups
> I. s2disk integration with powersaved on SUSE 10.0
> SUSE 10.0 contains the powersaved demon responsible for many tasks
> related to power management.  In particular it can handle suspend-to-disk
> requests either explicit, for example from the kpowersave desktop applet,
> from a "suspend button", from the keyboard etc., or implicit, for example
> related to the notebook battery running critical.  Thus if you have installed
> s2disk on your SUSE 10.0 system, you may want powersaved to use it for
> suspending to disk.
> For this purpose you need to edit the /etc/sysconfig/powersave/events file in
> which the actions performed by powersaved when it is asked to suspend the
> system to disk are defined.  Namely, find the variable
> EVENT_GLOBAL_SUSPEND2DISK in this file and observe that by default it is equal
> to "prepare_suspend_to_disk screen_saver do_suspend_to_disk".  This means
> that by default, when a suspend-to-disk request is made, powersaved will first
> run the script prepare_suspend_to_disk from /usr/lib/powersave/scripts/ which
> may, among other things, unload some kernel modules that are known to cause
> problems during suspend or resume.  Next, it will start the screen saver and
> finally, it will ask the kernel to carry out the suspend to disk.  This last
> action is represented by "do_suspend_to_disk" and we would like to change it 
> to
> something that will call s2disk instead.  Moreover, if s2disk is configured to
> use the RSA encryption for protecting keys, we may want to get rid of the
> "screen_saver" action which is redundant in such a case.
> In order to make powersaved use s2disk instead of the "do_suspend_to_disk"
> action, we need to create a special script and place it in
> /usr/lib/powersave/scripts/.  The fastest way of doing this is to take
> /usr/share/doc/packages/powersave/contrib/example_event_script
> replace the lines
> echo "i am a custom event script and pollute the syslog." | logger
> $LOGGER "i can even do some more sophisticated logging"
> DEBUG "and even depending on the DEBUG variable!" WARN
> in it with
> /usr/local/sbin/s2disk
> (where we assume the s2disk binary is in /usr/local/sbin) and save it under a
> different name, eg. s2disk_script, in /usr/lib/powersave/scripts/.  Of course,
> we also have to change the new script's access rights so that powersaved can
> actually execute it, eg. by doing
> # chmod a+x /usr/lib/powersave/scripts/s2disk_script
> Now, we can change the value of EVENT_GLOBAL_SUSPEND2DISK in
> /etc/sysconfig/powersave/events to the following:
> "prepare_suspend_to_disk screen_saver s2disk_script"
> or, if we don't want the screen saver to be started before the suspend, to
> the following:
> "prepare_suspend_to_disk s2disk_script"
> Now, it is only necessary to restart powersaved and we are done.

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