The past week not being happy with what I had experienced with the 
stills previously put together I decided to try the insulation tips 
given here and also to try the pot scrubbers touted.
 To begin with I built a manifold to mount two stills to the top of 
my boiler. The first was the stillmaker previously discussed with 
beads. The second was put together with the scrubbers but was ten 
inches longer on the main column. Both columns were insulated with 
common pipe foam insulation and had separate auto valves.
 Having had problems with heating the boiler and taking forever to 
reach over 200f, a larger burner was achieved and thus cutting the 
time in half to reach the previous working temps.
 Upon reaching the desired temp the new still with the scrubbers 
began to puke large volumes of water as though siphoning thru the 
main column. The older unit proceeded to operate as usual with the 
slow steady pace as before. Unable to overcome the puking action, the 
temps were lowered to 190f in an attempt at reaching an operating 
 Finally the insulation was removed which cut back the puking but did 
not bring it to a halt.
 Removing the top to the boiler the 803 was quickely attached and 
temps were returned to the 200f mark. With the new burner running 
wide open the 803 began to operate as usual quickely.
 Wondering about such things I allowed the temps to reach 210f and 
the heat could not override the 803.
 Continuing on the temps were brought back to 190f and as product 
exited the column the alcohol was collecte in one liter bottles and 
as each bottle was filled the temp was raise five degrees.
 At the end of the run, actually the next day the content was checked 
and surprisingly the alcohol was 160 thru out.
 Also part of the 803 run was with insulation and part without. The 
only difference noted was that it seemed to take less cooling water 
to maintain the desired 176f temps.
 Any thoughts or suggestions? I am strictly trial and error and could 
use good experience counsel. thanks gaw 

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