the centrifuge sounds like a great idea. I am lucky enough to have a source
of clean oil; a place that makes corn chips. 
I filter my oil directly through a 20" filter i got from Tek Supply for
about $20 with replacement filters at about $3. they come in versions down
to 5 microns. i use an electric pump plumbed to the filter that runs on 110v
so it's fairly clean and easy. i used a hydraulic pump from a junkyard, with
a belt to a scrounged motor.  another excellent catalog is northern hardware
supply, who has a 110v pump with a gas station dispensing handle for about
I suspect that if you prefiltered with a t-shirt or something, a large
filter would last awhile, and the filters apper to be made of cotton, which
would make dandy kindling.
tek supply is at 1-800-tek supply
northern hardware is in the 800 directory; i don't have a catalog handy.
good luck,

>Hi a solution to your problem might be to use a type of centrifuge machine.
>This is basicly a spinning bottle or flask. All the heavy solids should fall
>to the bottom of the bottle then you take the left over oil from the top.
>One could make a simple centrifuge out of an old washing machine motor and a
>plastic drum.
>I hope this will help.

>> Has anyone out there got any good ideas on an effective method for
>> filtering used cooking fat. I run my car on straight heated fat but I
>> regularly clog up my fuel filter. I currently get my fat from fast
>> food outlets, then sieve it, and filter it twice through cloth. This
>> is a slow messy process but still leaves too many solids in the fuel.
>> It is not a pleasant job changing the filter, not cheap and the used
>> filters are an environmental hazard in themselves.
>> Thanks, Andrew.

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