Planet Ark

Ballard gets $1.3 million fuel-cell order from Honda
CANADA: January 25, 2001

VANCOUVER, British Columbia - Fuel cell maker Ballard Power Systems 
said on Tuesday it had received a $1.3 million order from Honda Motor 
Co.'s research unit, which is racing to get an environmentally 
friendly car on the road.

The order for an unspecified number of Ballard's Mark 900 series fuel 
cells came in the wake of Honda's unveiling in September of a new 
fuel-cell-powered four-seater car. It said at the time the car would 
use fuel cells manufactured by Ballard, which is considered the world 
leader in the technology.

Carmakers are racing to put a fuel-cell vehicle on the market by 2003 
or 2004. Honda's four-seater is one of several vehicles being tested 
in California by a coalition of automakers, energy companies and fuel 
cell designers.

Fuel cells produce electricity by combining hydrogen with oxygen. 
They are considered environmentally friendly because, depending on 
the source of the hydrogen, they can produce power with only water 
and heat as byproducts.

Ballard's often volatile shares were trading up 3/4 at $72-7/8 midday 
Tuesday on Nasdaq. They have ranged between $144-15/16 and $50-12/16 
in the past 52 weeks. Its shares on the Toronto Exchange were up 
C$2.50 at C$109.75.

(In US dollars unless noted)

($1=$1.51 Canadian).


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