Subject: Re: fogger questions

An engine is nothing more than an air pump try putting your hand over the
mouth of the carburetor on the filter side and tell me that atmospheric
pressure is pulling your hand in.

*atmospheric pressure is actually trying to PUSH your hand in. the pressure
in the engine side of the throttle plate, is lower than the pressure in the
filter side of the throttle plate. the pressure inside is smaller due to the
expansion of the original cavity. thus as volume increases pressure
diminishes (ideal gas law). as air rushes in, pressure differential is
reduced. as the engine speeds up this pressure differential gets smaller and
smaller, and that's why at high rpm it is difficult to 'fill' the cylinders
with the same amount of charge as you can at low rpm, and the engine's
torque drops (lower mean effective pressure)

...the vacuum reverses from engine to filter
side of the throttle plates as the speed of the air pump increases. granted
there is not as much restriction but you should get a ventura affect with
vacuum increasing as engine speed increases.

*you might be confusing bernoulli's effect (fluid's pressure is inversly
proportional to it's velocity), which is what makes carburetors work, with
the actual pressure on the filter side of the throttle plate. the venturi
effect you mention creates a lower relative pressure in the carburetor
throat, and draws fuel in to be mixed with the air being pushed in by
atmospheric pressure.

*now, if you were to add a venturi tube BEFORE the throttle plate, you would
have a source of vacuum to operate your fogger with. but this, although
feasible, is not a simple as connecting the fogger into the engine's
induction system , on the engine  side of the throttle plate.  hope this

From: "David  Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fogger questions

I am located at 36.6 degrees South and also at sea level.

*south island ?

...O.T. Re Uraguay. Sorry thought you were in Argentina.

*understandable confusion. i have my home in buenos aires, argentina, but
farm across the river in uruguay. one week there, one week here. the comp is
in buenos aires, thus the .ar ending of the em address !!

...My father brought stud
rams to Montevideo from Port Chalmers in 1932 or 33 I think, travelled
through South America and ended up being cashiered into the Bolivian army
for 6 months fighting in the Chaco war as a result of being there at the
wrong time. (possibly the reason he was such a crack shot with a rifle). A
rather interesting experience for a young man.

*fascinating !! the chaco war, by the way, was partially funded on the
bolivian side by standard oil of new jersey (that's how exxon was called
then), to protect their oilwells in bolivia. the bolivians started the war,
but when the paraguayans tipped the scales, against everybody's predictions,
good old rocky chipped in to make sure things didn't get too dicey...

Dick, at this point from what you have said and reported I believe you have
probably convinced me so will definitely give it a go...

*congratulations !! but i don't think i 'convinced' you. rather than that, i
think your common sense got the upper hand !! (:-D)

*any other list members willing to let their common sense take over ???
(:-D). we could generate relevant amounts of data if a few more out there
tried it and shared tangible results with the list. as alan says, 'processor
cycles are a terrible thing to waste...". similarly, listmember's personal
experiences are an invaluable asset.

...Situation is probably similar to that of by-pass filters...(e-mail to
come when I have time)

*yes, by-pass filters are something else, what ? !! looking forward to your
blow-by-blow rendering.

From: "David  Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re: foggers

...Would be interesting to see results from a dry area such as in Outback
Australia as well.

*definitely !!! it should be very effective in that environment.
evaporative coolers that work so well in australia's drier areas are of
little use here in out higher relative humidity environment. so i would
expect that the lower the relative humidity, the more effective a fogger
would be. that's why i'm so interested in munir's malaysian trial.

cheers, dick.

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