>One of our project members has requested that I
>investigate the possability of methanol production
>using corn cobs as a feedstock.
>Consisting of mainly cellulose I imagine that a
>destructive distillation might be the route to go.
>Does anyone have a lead for more information on
>destructive distillation or related material?
>I am more inclined to use pulverized corncobs as
>Biodiesel production power myself but a small scale
>methanol production unit would definately lower our
>projected costs of Biodiesel production.
>Dana Linscott

Hi Dana

Why not go for ethyl esters? Re methanol, there's some information in 
the message archives. Try a search for "Hynol", "destructive 
distillation", "DD", should work. We haven't found anything 
satisfactory. There was a method in a Home Power article mentioned 
(Jerry?), but I don't think anybody's tried it and I don't have a 
detailed description of it. Do you need to expend the power 
pulverising the corncobs for BD production? Couldn't you burn them 


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects


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