Here are my thoughts for what they are worth:

It is my understanding that there are two main
problems with running diesels on SVO.

1. The solidification at low temperatures. Not a
problem in sunny Mexico.


2. Deposits on the injectors and ring grooves leading
to inefficiency and possible serious engine damage.

I would suggest that one engine be converted to SVO ,
preferably one that has the same number of hours as
one that can be run on petrodiesel  for the duration
of the "test".

The engine on SVO should also have a second set of
injectors which can be switched out on a regular
basis...say at each oil change. The injectors that are
removed can be inspected for deposits and tested for 
spray pattern irregularities. If either are detected
they can be soaked in an appropriate solvent to remove
the deposits and observed/tested to see if doing so
removes the deposits and restores normal injector
operation as well as how long they must soak to do so.

This will establish the injector switchout regime.

At the end of a predetermined amount of engine hours
you may wish to disassemble the test engines and
compare piston ring grooves. If there is a significant
buildup in the SVO engine soak the pistons in various
solvents to determine if the buildup is dissolved.

A possible  suggestion is that one might fill the
cylinders and crankcase with solvent (petrodiesel?)
during the season they are not being used for
irrigation and avoid regular engine disassembly by
dissolving deposits in situ.

Now the disclaimer...these are only my thoughts and I
have not actually attempted  them myself.

You may also wish to purchase a single cylinder diesel
generator and run it on SVO for a few hundred hours
first since this would be much simpler to disassemble
and test solvents on and would be less of a loss if it
failed for unforeseen reasons.

Dana Linscott

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