            Thanks for your word of encouragement.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Information requires

> Hello Barry
> >Hi all,
> >            I know you often hear this but I am a relatively new
> >member to the group who has been doing a lot of reading and thinking
> >about biodiesel.
> Doesn't make you any the less welcome. :-)
> >I have come to decision that I want to have a go at making biodiesel
> >as the petro stuff here in Australia is about AUD $0.99 per litre
> >($3.75 per Us gallon).  The funny thing here is that petrodiesel is
> >more expensive than gas (AUD $0.95) even though the refining process
> >is less.
> I'm sure you'll find other reasons once you start doing it: fuel
> independence, useful waste-recycling, cutting pollution, cutting
> carbon emissions, generally making your eco-footprint that much
> smaller and being a better citizen of Planet Earth. Do it, you'll
> love it - biodiesel's lovely stuff.
> >There are some things I can't find in the literature and I hope the
> >group can give me some answers..  I live in a typical suburban home
> >on a 1/4 acre block with neighbours on three side.  I am looking at
> >using 'used oil' to make biodiesel as I have access to used oil from
> >a local  shop.  My workshop is attached to my garage which is under
> >my house.
> >
> >Will my wife and children hate me because of the brewing biodiesel
> >odours wafting through the house?  Will my neighbours throw bricks??
> We used to make it in the kitchen, no problem. I know one guy who
> makes it in his living room - threw out the TV and installed double
> processors instead (stereo?), said it was more fun to watch. He lives
> in an apartment. Someone else who lives in an apartment makes it in
> his bathroom. This is all waste oil, including tallow. I don't think
> you have much to worry about.
> >When I make the biodiesel how much glycerine per litre can I expect
> >to produce?
> >
> >How much biodiesel can I expect from one litre of used oil?
> Have a look at Aleks Kac's Foolproof method:
> >I read that someone fitted a catalytic converter to their car to get
> >rid of the exhaust smell.  Would the odours of burnt biodiesel be
> >deemed, by some people,  to be offensive?
> Check the picture on this page:
> It's not an offensive smell, and it doesn't give people headaches. If
> you objected to biodiesel fumes as opposed to any kind of dinodiesel
> fumes, then you'd be strange. But some folks is strange.
> > The vehicle I drive is a 3.0 litre turbo diesel with a computer
> >controlled injector pump and engine management system.  As far as
> >retarding the timing I can do none of that.  It is all controlled by
> >a little black box.  Does anyone know if I am likely to experience
> >problems with my vehicle management system using biodiesel?
> Users with computer-controlled systems have reported no problems and
> smoother running. But of course that depends on the quality of your
> product. Mike Brownstone's recent message was apt: "Surprised,
> though, at how much care one has to take to do a
> proper and reliable job.  My advise to anyone is to keep instruments clean
> and don't hurry!!!"
> All best
> Keith Addison
> Journey to Forever
> Handmade Projects
> Tokyo
> >Any input from the group would be greatly appreciated
> >
> >Barry Taylor
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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