My pipes are over 20 years old and the water is hard as a rock. Coffee pots
die without regular soaks in vinegar.
No magnets, no pipe problems.

I can see a polar molecule aligning in a field. Once past the field random
as usual. Sells a boatload of magnets though.

Maybe I'm so cynical I'm refusing to see something here but I doubt it. I
really would like to see a demostrable difference in a bucket of water with
and without the magnet.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Shuey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Fwd: Saving Gasoline and Money

--- Warren Rekow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've heard stories about putting magnets on gas
> lines to improve fuel
> mileage for years, but I never tried it. I shall do
> so now. The
> author of the following article, Dr. James DeMeo, is
> an intelligent
> and credible fellow, and the cost of trying is
> insignificant. Per the
> link below this also works for petro-diesel, so
> perhaps for biodiesel
> and WVO also. Anyone else care to try this and give
> us feedback?
> Dick, perhaps magnets attached to the tubing might
> increase the
> effectiveness of foggers?
> -----
> ...Warren Rekow
I do know that the magnets work on the water.  We have
extremely hard water here in my part of PA, with the
limestone and all, and the magnets actually make the
water a whole lot more soft.  The idea behind the
magnets is that it actually aligns the molecules in
the fluid, or water in my case.  I have had them on
for years, (about 10 now) and the pipes havn't clogged
or had any other problems associated with any idea of
problems with the magnets.  Hmmmm I think i may try to
put some on my Jetta and see what happens with my fuel
mileage.   NE Ways.. let ya know what happens.


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