Hi Pedro

You should investigate the oil content of oilseed rape - I mean the 
plant itself, not the seeds. And don't be put off when they tell you 
it's too expensive to make extraction worthwhile - that may be true 
for food uses, but maybe not if you plan to burn the stuff in a 
motor. Other plants may be worth investigating for this too.

I think we maybe haven't started focusing properly on all the 
available sources of oil. I reckon you're on the right track, please 
keep going.

Good luck!


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects


>And to be converted into biodiesel ??.
>There is a lot of wine production in Spain and the European Union could help
>to sell this superavit ( excess ).
>It could be interesting with the nowadays european union agriculture
>We need a lot of oil to be used instead of petrol . How much source we could
>get, cheaper and more accesible it will be :
>- Vegoil from any class of grain ( grape, lemon residues - grains - used in
>another processes ) and vegetable.
>- Vegoil from vegetable waste oil.
>- Biodiesel from milk ( there is a lot of milk in the European Union -
>superavit know like black milk - ).
>There is a problem with the olive oil : the price. And in the future perhaps
>with the sunflower oil : if there is not enought the price will rise.
>So, one can say : convert everything into vegoil or biodiesel. We can
>research or publish the production process and later use it if there is
>political help ( excess of production in the raw material  ) to be
>economically interesting ;)
>All the best.
>Elabore caseramente biodiesel para su actual motor de gasoil petrol’fero
>La soluci—n a sus problemas energŽticos.

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