>Considering the amount of flaming about unsubscribe messages flying 
>about when I joined this group I am more than a little hesitant to 
>write this note. However, I will shortly be deprived of my broadband 
>connection, and an E-mail list such as this one is a luxury I choose 
>not to afford. You'll forgive me for this method of unsubscribing I 
>hope when I inform you that this is my fith attempt to unsubscribe. 
>All for of my previous attempts were in the prescribed manor. I am 
>not a novice in the world of technology, but how to sucessfully 
>unsubscribe from this group is a mystery to me. Perhaps the problem 
>is not in the people trying to unsubscribe. Thank you for your help.

Hello Buddy

>Perhaps the problem is not in the people trying to unsubscribe.

There have been literally scores of these cases. Others have written 
me off-list saying they're having problems. Almost all of them have 
been doing something wrong, from spelling "unsubscribe" wrong on up. 
Where there seemed to be real problems, it turned out that they'd 
inadvertently subscribed twice, under different addresses, and 
weren't aware of it, even though they must have been getting all the 
messages twice (if set for email). Several of these didn't tell me 
they were getting the messages twice, I had to find that out on my 
own. There have been a few other similar problems. Only in one case 
so far has there been a genuine problem with Yahoo, and I'm still not 
sure about that. Anyway, I was able to unsubscribe that person. He 
was one of those who sent an "unsubscribe" message to the list (after 
making several attempts on his own). All the others who've sent unsub 
messages to the list, with one exception (the one that caused the 
flame war you refer to, who I got rid of), have managed to 
unsubscribe themselves when sent a message telling them clearly what 
to do, even if they've needed a few such messages.

Second, the number of people who have difficulties is tiny compared 
to the number who don't. People subscribe, unsubscribe and 
resubscribe all the time, every day, the vast majority have no 
difficulty at all.

So, sorry to say, the problem IS with the people trying to 
unsubscribe. It really baffles a lot of folks, including me, and it 
happens on all the lists I know, not only Yahoo lists. Also, the list 
owner's address is listed everywhere at the list website, and in the 
welcome message subscribers receive when they join. You'd think 
people having difficulties would send their enquiries there rather 
than to 648 subscribers.

Maybe you'll decide to try the "web only - no emails" option, as Sam 
suggests. If not, and you're still having problems, please email me 
off-list, preferably with full information and copies of your 
unsubscribe attempts.


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects


Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
Please do NOT send "unsubscribe" messages to the list address. 
To unsubscribe, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 

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