>Keith replied:
> >  >We share this position.
> >
> >Somehow I doubt it.
> >This is what I don't get - there's a point of view here, a
> >perception, an angle, that I just can't see. It's obviously very
> >emotive and divisive, and it seems to make it difficult to see the
> >thing itself, shorn of its (political?) implications. Or am I the
> >only one who gets gobsmacked when someone tells the list global
> >warming is a Marxist plot to deprive Americans of their private
> >property? (Or something like that.)
>Keith, when you invent accusations (or mix up discussion threads?)
>and make personal attacks then clearly this discussion has become
>futile. Let's just terminate this now and relieve ourselves and
>everyone else on this list of this burden.
>...Warren Rekow

Hi Warren

Sorry, I don't get the "personal attack" bit. I'm still talking about 
"true believers" and sceptics, the polarisation of the discussion on 
global warming, and the idea that it's propaganda. Here's your first 

Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 09:48:48 -0600
Reply-To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Climate Change

Sheeeesh, how times do change! A few months back I posted a few
questions on this list regarding the "selling" of global warming. The
true believers on this list responded by giving me a beating,
virtually speaking, for daring to question such 'Scientific Truth'.
Now it appears that heretics are dominating this list. Most amusing,
indeed.  ;-)
...Warren Rekow

Who's "selling" what to whom and why? I asked. And I'm still asking. 
What is it that I've said that you see as a personal attack? What 
accusations have I invented? You've done a lot of accusing, accusing 
parties still unknown of "selling" global warming for their own 
shadowy ends (still unknown), of disseminating propaganda, for 
reasons unknown, and more. All this is still unsubstantiated. I 
"accused" you of - no I didn't accuse you, I *said* you were using 
emotive terms, the terms of propaganda, and quoted some of the terms 
concerned. "Accusation" is also such a term.

I think you may have misread the bit from my post that you quote 
above. Do you think it says, or implies, or accuses you of saying 
it's all a Marxist plot? Because it doesn't, and wasn't intended to. 
I'm well aware that message wasn't from you. But it does also cloak 
the issue beneath some sort of shadowy conspiracy, as you do. I said 
in a previous post: "You say below that you don't think it's a 
conspiracy, yet here you talk of propaganda that deceives, 
manipulates and blinds others. This leaves me muddled." You didn't 
respond to that either.

Okay, never mind, let's leave it at that, as you suggest. What we 
have here then is "selling" sans salesmen, a conspiracy sans 
conspirators, propaganda sans propagandists, manipulation sans 
manipulators, deception sans deceivers, and all sans any identifiable 
aim or goal. :-/

Er, what we actually have here is an immense collaborative scientific 
study of the planetary climate system and all that pertains to it 
with the main goal of identifying whether we are changing the climate 
through our actions and risk damaging the biosphere as a result, a 
study initiated because of an accumulation of disparate indicators 
from disparate sources and in disparate disciplines that this may 
indeed be the case. The evidence thus far revealed is as yet 
inconclusive - but it clearly establishes the need for caution and 
the rigorous application of the precautionary principle. We also have 
government and corporate sectors at which the finger of blame 
appeared increasingly to point as further findings were uncovered, 
and these sectors have largely moved from denial to at least a stated 
acceptance of the risk, if not always an acceptance backed by 
relevant action. We also have a widespread public awareness of the 
issue(s) at stake and a growing associated environmental concern, 
worldwide, along with polarised fringe groups who, for whatever 
reasons, are either in flat denial or insist that global warming is 
an established fact. Both of these groups are striving to cloud the 
issue and their agendas must be open to question.


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects


Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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