> Todd, you should expect this, and worse from the Sierra Club.  If they
> had their way, we would all live like savages, in caves, without heat or
> light, because this causes the formation of "greenhouse gases".  Each of
> us would also have a catalytic converter welded to our ass, as well as
> would every other mammal in the world, for the same reason.



That catalytic converter crack is about the best belly laugh I've had all
week. Thanks.

Actually, I was kind of eluding to the fact that the Club Sierra mouth
pieces are all sounding more and more as if they all own stock in the Exxon

I tend to agree with Harmon Seaver's statement in an earlier post:

"The Sierra Club has been a sell-out group for a long,
long time. I'd say they certainly look to have been taken
over by the oil/chemical industry, not a farfetched idea at
all given the general make up of the group -- they never
were a grass-roots organization, mostly country club types
with fat stock portfolios, making "envionmental"
pronouncements geared to greasing their gross revenue."

I have yet to figure out how they can discount either biodiesel or ethanol,
in favor of natural gas and gasoline without ethanol. Every time I get past
the first corner of any of their "arguements" their rationales just start
falling to pieces.

Appal Energy

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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