---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Dana Linscott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 10:08:20 -0800 (PST)

>This is not a criticism, but I am wondering if anyone<BR>
>is interested in a more focused discussion of SVO/WVO.<BR>
>I have learned a lot on this forum and know there are<BR>
>folks out there that are mainly interested in the WVO<BR>
>aspect of it. I wonder if anyone would be interested<BR>
>in a separate string that deals only with SVO/WVO. <BR>
>I would suggest that by starting the subject line<BR>
>SVO/WVO those that are not interested can slip right<BR>
>by. Of course many SVO ideas are useful to those that<BR>
>are of the Biodiesel persuasion as well. I also<BR>
>believe that using the SVO/WVO in the beginning of the<BR>
>subject line will aid those in any search process<BR>
>As a beginning I would like to suggest that we share<BR>
>our ideas of what a perfect SVO/WVO private/home<BR>
>operation and vehicle would be.<BR>
>The next step will be to share/brainstorm our<BR>
>experiences with it so far...for those with experience<BR>
>to share.<BR>
>I have found there is lots of info out there...but<BR>
>some of it is conflicting or difficult to understand<BR>
>and a good forum might be very useful not only to<BR>
>those thinking of trying SVO as a fuel but those that<BR>
>have already done so.<BR>
>I know I have learned a lot from my tinkering that I<BR>
>think would have saved a lot of time and money had I<BR>
>had the info to begin with.<BR>
>Ed...WVO/SVO is your bailiwick I know and I hope that<BR>
>you are enthusiastic about it. <BR>
>Steve..I hope you are entusiastic as well and that my<BR>
>sugesstion is OK with you. <BR>
>Of course I could be all wrong and just wasting my<BR>
>time..we will see.<BR>
>I will start the discussion......<BR>
>The parameters for a "perfect" conversion (in my mind)<BR>
>would be:<BR>
>1    Inexpensive...Pay for itself within 3 months in<BR>
>saved fuel costs.<BR>
>2    Relatively simple to do. Within the ability of a<BR>
>do it your selfer and require no special tools.<BR>
>3   Use "off the shelf"components.<BR>
>4    Be "all climate" eg. useful at any temp.<BR>
>5    Generally applicable to many vehicles.<BR>
>6    Not cause premature engine failure.<BR>
>The first parameter requires that the cost of the fuel<BR>
>be as low as possible. So (again...in my opinion):<BR>
>a    The raw stock would be Waste Vegetable Oil.<BR>
>b    The filters would be reusable or very cheap.<BR>
>c    The process heat source would be WVO.<BR>
>d    The process components should be inexpensive.<BR>
>In addition :<BR>
>e    It would produce a minimum of 40 gallons per<BR>
>f    A minimum of space would be required.<BR>
>g    It would be portable.<BR>
>h    It would be automated as much as possible.<BR>
>I    It would produce a minimum of "waste" byproducts.<BR>
>and as with the vehicle conversion.<BR>
>j    It should be simple to do. Within the ability of<BR>
>a do it your selfer and require no special tools.<BR>
>k   It should be assembled from easily available "off<BR>
>the shelf" components.<BR>
>There...that's a start.<BR>
>Anyone interested or have something to add. I am sure<BR>
>I have overlooked something.<BR>
>If we go about this in an orderly manner it should<BR>
>prove very useful to others that follow...just as the<BR>
>Biofuels forum does in total...but with a more<BR>
>specific subject.<BR>
>Just as an aside..<BR>
>My own setup uses WVO that I collect from a single<BR>
>source (oriental buffet) twice a week in the 35 pound<BR>
>containers it is delivered to them in. This saves me<BR>
>having to pay for storage containers as they just<BR>
>stack up nicely on one another. (I am thinking of<BR>
>going to 55 gal drums to simplify the whole thing.<BR>
>They are cheap but then I would have to change my mode<BR>
>of collection (can't just lift a 55 gal drum and stick<BR>
>it in the trunk.) I allow it to settle for a few weeks<BR>
>then drain it into a 55 gal drum carefully leaving the<BR>
>majority of "dreck" in the jugs. The jugs are either<BR>
>crushed and disposed of or cleaned to use for filtered<BR>
>WVO storage later. The settled WVO in the drum is then<BR>
>heated using a simple wick type WVO burner I<BR>
>designed...just a big oil powered candle really. I<BR>
>heat to about 180* F but have avoided using any WVO<BR>
>that contains water as that might necessitate<BR>
>dewatering. The heated WVO is then placed in an<BR>
>insulated box and is pulled through three filters (a<BR>
>felt filter, a 15 micron fuel delivery filter, and a 5<BR>
>micron "paper" filter) into another 55 gal drum using<BR>
>a vacuum created with scavenged refrigerator<BR>
>compressor. A backflush circuit allows me to clean<BR>
>what accumulates on the filters off (with a small<BR>
>amount of gasoline) quickly and easily without<BR>
>removing them. This also allows me to use the same<BR>
>filters over so I don't have that recurring expense.<BR>
>The felt filter seems to collect solid wax,food<BR>
>bits,and fat but the majority of particles seem to<BR>
>collect on the  15 micron element. The 5 micron<BR>
>element seems to be mostly there for peace of mind as<BR>
>I believe that most diesel engine filters only go to<BR>
>10-15 microns. The filtered oil is then either pumped<BR>
>into my vehicle or empty/clean 35# jugs for storage.<BR>
>The vehicle I use is a 1988 Ford F250 with the 7.3<BR>
>International engine. It is out of service right now<BR>
>as it blew a head gasket...unrelated to the WVO/SVO<BR>
>use I think...and I have negotiated with the local<BR>
>Vocational Technical School Diesel Mechanic Instructor<BR>
>to do a "top end" overhaul as a class project. They<BR>
>will also take pictures to set a baseline of a clean<BR>
>cylinder/piston/injector/combustion chamber and plan<BR>
>on following through with an annual teardown and<BR>
>inspection to see what the effects of SVO is on the<BR>
>engine. From what I see on this forum and others the<BR>
>main problem associated with SVO use in diesels is<BR>
>accumulations on the injectors, valves, and piston<BR>
>ring grooves...but this may be minimized I understand<BR>
>by adequately preheating the SVO to reduce its'<BR>
>viscosity, using only SVO that has had the Acreolin<BR>
>(sp?) "removed, and starting and shutting down the<BR>
>engine on diesel/biodiesel. I also understand that<BR>
>light loads and excessive idling might be contributory<BR>
>factors to carbon/acreolien accumulations and that<BR>
>indirect injection diesels (as opposed to direct<BR>
>injectio) are less prone to this. Looking at the<BR>
>formal studies done on SVO I wonder if a hotter<BR>
>thermostat might not also help with<BR>
>reducing/preventing deposits? I suppose I will find<BR>
>out if I have deposits after the teardown is done on<BR>
>my 7.3 next year. <BR>
>I decided to use the F250 because I needed a "heavy<BR>
>hauler" and they are extremely available in the US as<BR>
>a used vehicle. The 7.3 diesel engine is a indirect<BR>
>injection design which was essentially the same from<BR>
>1986 to 1994 and is as such well tested by use. It<BR>
>also seems to be a fairly simple conversion and allows<BR>
>one to bring along over 4000 miles worth of SVO if one<BR>
>wishes to take an extended trip sans fuel stations.<BR>
>With a manual transmission I was getting about 20 mpg<BR>
>highway and 15 mpg around town. Since the fuel costs<BR>
>me around 5 cents per gallon and was going in the<BR>
>trash before I started collecting it I don't feel<BR>
>guilty when I use it instead of my more efficient<BR>
>auto. I am however unhappy with the conversion and am<BR>
>planning on "reconverting" while it is out of<BR>
>commission. The original conversion cost me about<BR>
>$250US and 10 hrs. I believe that I made several<BR>
>fundamental mistakes when I originally converted it<BR>
>that I need to rectify and while I am at it I think I<BR>
>have several refinements that I also want to install<BR>
>for testing. I am hoping that others that have SVO<BR>
>conversions will contribute to what I already (think)<BR>
>I know prior to tearing into it so a re/reconversion<BR>
>is not necessary. Anyone???? Feel free to set me strai<BR>
>if your info is different.<BR>
>This has gotten to be a rather longer post than I had<BR>
>originally intended. I hope others are interested in<BR>
>the WVO/SVO string and am more than willing to share<BR>
>the rest of the  info. and experiences I have with<BR>
>others with the hope a collaboration via this forum is<BR>
>mutually beneficial to all.<BR>
>Dana Linscott<BR>
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