--- Harmon Seaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dana said:
> >  In this case I
> > offerred my profssional services Gratis or more
> > accuratly for the price of accepting primary
> > responsability.
>     I can't imagine why YBD would want any help from
> you, Dana, after 
> seeing the irresponsible and damaging statements
> you've made about 
> biodiesel. With friends like you, who needs enemies,
> eh?
>     And when are you going to answer Keith's request
> for proof of those 
> allegations? I really think you need to either back
> up those statements 
> or publically retract them.
> Harmon,

I have to assume that you mean my statement regarding
the likelihood that "the most sloppily made biodiesel
is better than the best petrodiesel" is not true and
that besides "spewing more crap" into the atmosphere I
have to breath the "most sloppily made biodiesel"
might also have bad effects on engine longevity.

Please note I did not say well made biodiesel does

I have a very hard time believing that this needs
backing up...but here goes.

First..so there is no misunderstanding later I do not
have any reason to beleive tha YBD has ever produced
anthing but the highest quality BD. In fact I believe
that YBD has always endeavored to provide its'
customers with a square deal including providing to
them the best biodiesel they can make at an honest
price.This is NOT about YBD!!!

That said.....
I think we can use Jet Fuel as the example of the best
petrodiesel...very expensive kerosene essentially
produced to the highest standards. Works equally well
in diesels...I know as I have done it in a pinch.

Second we have to agree on what the "most sloppily
made biodiesel" might be. Hmmm...Lets' say I take WVO
containing...ummm... PCBs that some unethical person
has tried to dispose of illegally by pouring into the
unlocked WVO containers I service. NO. That would be
too easy...

OK...Lets' assume you are getting just plain old  WVO
from the local restaurant...and they have decided to
begin dumping their grill grease into the fryer oil
you pick up for free...but don't bother to tell you.
Or maybe they get  a really good deal on some fryer
oil that turns out to be raw rancid palm oil so they
throw that in too. That would be plausible...

So you take this  WVO of questionable origin and run
it through your cobbed together processor but you are
not too careful about washing the soaps out or making
sure the pH is relatively neutral  or allowing it to
settle the glycerin out completly...and (since you
don't have any standards or quality control) even if
it foams a bit and makes the reaction vat shinier than
it has ever been before...well...no big thing. After
all we KNOW that even really sloppily made BD is
better than the best petrodiesel and that it can't
harm engines or cause pollution. So you pour this
"foamy" batch into the big ol'  storage tank and
customers run their vehicles on it just like always.
You also notice that nearly all of our batches are a
bit foamy after that one. OH WELL...it can't hurt
anything can it?

Meanwhile you discover that you can mix in 50%
filtered WVO as a lubricity additive and your own
truck runs just fine...since it is summer and the
temperature is never below 60*. So... since you're
operating at maximum capacity for your equipment and
your customers can't get enough you begin to add more
and more "lubricity additive" to the big ol tank to
help supply keep up with demand.

And after a few weeks you notice that your reaction
vat is beginning to leak a bit at the fittings and a
few of our customers remark that their diesels are
smokin' a bit more than they used to and the mileage
is not quite as good either. One comes by and says
that "he had to have his injection pump replaced and
the mechanic said that the corrosion he found was
unlike anything he had seen and wondered if he had
been putting any additive in his diesel and when he
told him that he had been running his truck on home
made biodiesel he said I don't know if the warrantee
will cover this and sure enough they wanted him to pay
for he pump replacement and had notified him the
warrantee was null and void and what are YOU going to
do about it....." OH-OH....And you tell him to "piss
off... cause EVERYONE knows that even the sloppiest
made biodiesel won't harm an engine or cause

And a few days after you lose the small claims court
suit from that customer because the Evil Govt. Judge
won't buy that argument...another customer tells you
that "his smokin' turned out to be carboned up rings
and he needed a new short block and the dealer told
him that his warrantee was void cause he used homemade
biodiesel and WHAT are YOU going to do about
it".......and you notice that YOUR truck is smokin' a
bit more than usual and that the oil level is ...holy
cow...2 quarts low in....500 miles!!!!! And YOU wonder
truck to pack up and leave town with what you can
because ALL your old customers are sending you
summons...and not for  small claims court
either......and the state revenue department wants to
know where the road tax you were supposed to collect
is...and the Dept. of weights and measures just called
and wanted to see the records on when your last pump
test was to determine how much you owe the state cause
revenue didn't like the "piss off" answer you gave
them and you are wondering if maybe you should have
filed your income tax last year...and the year
before..and the year before that and your wife just
yelled from the kitchen that the sheriff is at the
front door and wants to talk to you.. and you yell
back to "just sign for the summons like all the other
times" and she yells back "He still wants to talk to
you" and you notice that there are three or four
deputies on your back yard and are about to go tell
them to get the "HELL OFFA' MY PROPERTY..when you hear
steps suspiciously heavier than your wifes behind your
reclining chair.....

Really...I am trying to be humorous about this but I
have a hard time doing so since COMMERCIALLY producing
and selling biodiesel is VERY different from making it
for your own personal use. Let's use some common sense
here OK?

I have seen plenty of warnings on this very list that
it is important to not get sloppy at making home brew
biodiesel. We all nod our heads when we see some
neophyte ask " is it really important to wash the
biodiesel or to get a complete transesterification,"
etc. so why would anyone familiar with what it takes
to make biodiesel think that because it is "organic"
it is safe no matter how sloppy one is when making it.
OHHH...I get it now. 

Harmon...fess up... you don't actually intend to ever
make and sell biodiesel do you? You probably don't
ever intend to "fight the Oppressive Government"
either...You just intend to encourage others to do it.

Hmmmmmmm........everything makes a bit more sense now.

As for why YBD would contact me to ask for help after
all my "irresponsible and damaging statements...about 
biodiesel" I supose because they might wish to hear a
point of view other than "the evil govt" one that many
seem to think will help somehow. I have practical
advice from practical experience for practically no

I have friends that will tell me when I am on the
wrong track even when all the others are encuraging me
to "fight, Fight ,FIGHT!". These are not only my best
friends...they are an asset I could not survive
without. With friends like that I CAN handle my

And Harmon...listen carfully...I am not against
Biodiesel because it is bad...I am against bad
biodiesel. There is a very important difference in the
two statements and if you cannot tell the


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