My 92 Honda Civic has been doing it for years, that is how I avoided 
having to have a truck.

AOAR Welch B. wrote:

> i did not know that a small car could pull a trailer and not overheat.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 4:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?
> Hey...
> I just drove a 1986 VW Golf, filled to the brim with biodiesel, hauling a
> trailer full of hay and about 400 pounds of boiler parts and got ~44mpg.
> I'll take utility and green over a chick car and green any day....I'm
> toooooooo old for chick.
> Just keep praying for acid drought, another Arab oil embargo and $3.50 a
> gallon at the pump.
> Todd Swearingen
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: steve spence
>   To:
>   Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 7:22 PM
>   Subject: Re: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?
>   Today I test drove a new vw beetle, turbo diesel. Now this is one fine
>   automobile. 44mpg isn't shabby either.
>   saw diesel today for $1.23 / us gallon.
>   Steve Spence
>   Subscribe to the Renewable Energy Newsletter:
> <>
>   Renewable Energy Pages -
> <>
>   Human powered devices, equipment, and transport -
> <>
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: "stewart hyde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   To: <>
>   Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 6:32 PM
>   Subject: Re: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?
>   > Agreed My 14 year old Citroen BX turbodesel/GTI hybrid Gets 50 mpg
>   (Imperial
>   > 4.55 ltr) and runs beautifilly with rapeseed oil @50% fuel extender
>   > Stewart from Wales UK where fuel is almost one dollar per litre.
>   > ----- Original Message -----
>   > From: "steve spence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   > To: <>
>   > Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 3:30 AM
>   > Subject: Re: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?
>   >
>   >
>   > > I drove a BMW minicooper yesterday, and although it was cute, I would
>   not
>   > > call 33mpg on premium unleaded "clean".........
>   > >
>   > >
>   > > Steve Spence
>   > > Subscribe to the Renewable Energy Newsletter:
>   > >
> <>
>   > >
>   > > Renewable Energy Pages -
> <>
>   > > Human powered devices, equipment, and transport -
>   > >
> <>
>   > > ----- Original Message -----
>   > > From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   > > To: <>
>   > > Cc: <>
>   > > Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 9:23 AM
>   > > Subject: [biofuel] So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?
>   > >
>   > >
>   > > >
> <>
>   > > > AlterNet --
>   > > > So, You Want to Buy a Green Car ... Or Do You?
>   > > > Allie Gottlieb, Metro Silicon Valley
>   > > > <>
>   > > > April 19, 2002
>   > > >
>   > > > If you're like me, and you are, you want a good, cheap, fast, safe
>   > > > and cute car that can take you to work and back, and out for fun, on
>   > > > little or no gas. You also need room to cart around your laptop,
> your
>   > > > nonfat latte, a pal and your four-piece silver-sparkle Ludwig drum
>   > > > set, which in my case is named Natasha J. Sparky.
>   > > >
>   > > > Since we've got so much in common, it makes sense to share
> car-search
>   > > > secrets. I'll start. What I've learned about the latest electric,
>   > > > hybrid and just plain cuter- or cleaner-than-thou vehicles that you
>   > > > can buy or lease at this moment there are plenty of choices,
>   > > > combinations and features. Sorting them all out is confusing but not
>   > > > impossible.
>   > > >
>   > > > The ones accessible to me as of presstime were the BMW Mini Cooper,
>   > > > the Honda Insight, the Honda Civic Hybrid, the Honda Civic GX
>   > > > natural-gas vehicle, the Toyota Prius, the Toyota Rav4 EV, the
> Corbin
>   > > > Sparrow, the Ford Th!nk, the Ford Ranger EV and the DaimlerChrysler
>   > > > GEM.
>   > > >
>   > > > Idling Politics
>   > > >
>   > > > Here's another thing I've learned. Despite all the chatter about
> fuel
>   > > > efficiency from the Legislature lately, and the attempts by various
>   > > > cities to get their fleets on a greener track, this has been a
>   > > > slow-going revolution with plenty of setbacks.
>   > > >
>   > > > Witness last month's rise and fall of the Corporate Average Fuel
>   > > > Economy standards: Senator John Kerry's (D-Mass.) proposal to
> require
>   > > > new vehicles to average a respectable 36 mpg of gas by 2015 did a
>   > > > giant belly flop. SUVs get to be an estimated 25 percent more
>   > > > polluting than other cars. Gasoline has drivers over an oil barrel,
>   > > > and so, as they do in any time of war with oil-producing nations,
> gas
>   > > > prices are going up.
>   > > >
>   > > > Despite all this, a good clean car is still hard to find. It seems
>   > > > like we should have evolved more by now. For years, there's been
> hope
>   > > > that cars will become greener in the form of research on cleaner
>   > > > cars. The web is overflowing with information about "alternative
> fuel
>   > > > vehicles" from the U.S. Department of Energy and agencies like the
>   > > > Natural Resources Defense Council that push for fuel-efficiency
>   > > > legislation.
>   > > >
>   > > > Car dealers, however, blame the public's disinterest for the
>   > > > Greenmobile's underwhelming entrance into the market. Almost no one
>   > > > pays any real attention to environmental ratings when buying a car,
>   > > > the dealers say. Not like, say, the kind of cup holders it has, or
>   > > > how the bike rack attaches or that all-important consumer issue:
>   > > > color.
>   > > >
>   > > > And those fuel inefficient SUVs remain hugely popular, regardless of
>   > > > the fact that they are extraordinarily polluting. According to
>   > > >, SUVs pollute about twice as much as, say, my Civic,
>   > > > which on average discharges 2 tons a year more carbon dioxide
> badness
>   > > > than the Insight.
>   > > >
>   > > > "Although engines in general are becoming more efficient, smoother
>   > > > and better-performing, the trend toward larger SUVs and pickups has
>   > > > contributed to the average fuel economy dipping to its lowest point
>   > > > in more than 20 years," notes Consumer Reports' 2002 auto trends
>   > > > report.
>   > > >
>   > > > So that's the bad news, but there's hope.
>   > > >
>   > > > Frankenfans
>   > > >
>   > > > Existing green cars have their fans. According to a Department of
>   > > > Energy report, last year there were nearly 500,000 alternative-fuel
>   > > > vehicles on the roads in the United States. Of those half-million
>   > > > cars, 10,400 were electric.
>   > > >
>   > > > Consumers dedicate websites to electric cars and half-gas,
>   > > > half-electric hybrids, or frankencars. One fan posted a diary all
>   > > > about his 1999 electric Sparrow on the Internet and has kept it up
>   > > > for three years. Another self-described electric-car enthusiast,
>   > > > Joseph Lado from Virginia (who doesn't actually drive an electric
>   > > > car, evidently is dissatisfied with the way they are charged and is
>   > > > trying to help start a company that sells better ones) summarizes
>   > > > alternatives to Old Man Combustion.
>   > > >
>   > > > "We can manufacture a practical electric car NOW," Lado declares in
> a
>   > > > column he sent out for publication. Lado touts regenerative braking,
>   > > > used currently by the hybrids to recharge their batteries. He lauds
>   > > > solar power as another recharging source. Lado seems an appropriate
>   > > > representation of the electric-car industry. He sounds
>   > > > half-reasonable, half-kooky. Another recharging idea he lists in his
>   > > > column is the robot in the driveway: "It's either a robot arm or
> some
>   > > > other mechanical device that automatically pops up and connects your
>   > > > electric car to a source of electricity (i.e., an outlet)."
>   > > >
>   > > > Who's Driving Whom?
>   > > >
>   > > > Currently, car manufacturers that distribute in the United States
> are
>   > > > producing cleaner cars. They have to because the Environmental
>   > > > Protection Agency makes them. By 2003, zero-emission vehicles must
>   > > > make up 10 percent of each major automaker's stock. However,
>   > > > manufacturers apparently aren't required to make these cars entirely
>   > > > available to the public. They only need to meet their quota of
>   > > > zero-emission vehicles. Then dealers get to decide which cars to
>   > > > push, and buyers get to pick the ones they want.
>   > > >
>   > > > Despite being shoved around by the EPA and CARB, car makers aren't
>   > > > the innocent babes they might appear to be. They can design
>   > > > problematic eco-friendly cars. These cars mostly cost too much,
>   > > > because, industry reps claim, they're more expensive to make.
>   > > >
>   > > > Honda sales rep Kevin Brooks estimates that it costs $90 more per
> car
>   > > > for a manufacturer to make a catalytic converter that cleans a car
>   > > > enough to meet California's "super-ultralow emissions" standard,
>   > > > rather than just the "ultralow." Manufacturers pass on the higher
>   > > > cost of making cleaner cars to customers. (You might, too, if you
> had
>   > > > to pay for say 10,000 cleaner cars.)
>   > > >
>   > > > The government doles out incentives for green car-buying. California
>   > > > tries to appeal to drivers' yen to beat traffic with a carpool-lane
>   > > > exemptions for electric and compressed natural gas (but not hybrid)
>   > > > vehicles. Drivers can file for an occupancy-exemption sticker from
>   > > > the Department of Motor Vehicles. The federal and state governments
>   > > > also try to entice car buyers into the cleaner emissions scene with
>   > > > thousands of dollars in tax breaks and credits.
>   > > >
>   > > > But some of the lower-emission technology, like powerful electric
>   > > > batteries, is so expensive that the financial incentives seem
>   > > > meaningless for those unburdened by wealth. For instance, you can
> get
>   > > > $9,000 back after buying the RAV4 EV, but this small SUV costs more
>   > > > than $42,000!
>   > > >
>   > > > Most of the cars I test-drove fall well outside my price range of
>   > > > $8,000 to $10,001. Most also fell into California's two
>   > > > least-polluting categories: Super Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle or
> Zero
>   > > > Emissions Vehicle. The Cooper weighs in with ultralow emissions and
>   > > > boasts the further distinction of being the only stick-shift I
>   > > > test-drove.
>   > > >
>   > > > Yeah I'm Green ... If Green Means Cheap
>   > > >
>   > > > Most conversations about fuel efficiency in the news magically turn
>   > > > into moral debates about the bad people who drive SUVs or the showy
>   > > > liberals who can afford expensive statement cars. That's kind of
>   > > > stupid given that, ultimately, cars are practical,
> point-A-to-point-B
>   > > > tools. I think driving an electric car is pretty much like driving a
>   > > > cell phone: the roaming limitations are highly inconvenient, and
>   > > > there's always the vague lingering concern that somehow it will give
>   > > > you cancer.
>   > > >
>   > > > When it comes down to it, my concern for the environment pretty much
>   > > > disappears when I buy a car. Sure, intellectually I'm rooting for
> the
>   > > > ozone layer. But I have to be able to afford a car before I can
> drive
>   > > > it. And it has to work the whole way to my destination. And it must
>   > > > look cool -- the way the Mini looked when Mary Stuart Masterson
> drove
>   > > > it as Watts (a drummer; everything comes full circle!) in 1987's
>   > > > smash hit Some Kind of Wonderful.
>   > > >
>   > > > Allie Gottlieb writes for the Metro Silicon Valley, where this
>   > > > article first appeared.
>   > > >
>   > > >
>   > > >
>   > > > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>   > > >
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