È  Feature Article Sunday - May 12, 2002

The Ethanol Subsidy: Your Tax Dollars at Work
Using the shibboleth of promoting "renewable" energy sources, Senate
Majority Leader Tom Daschle and other Democratic bigwigs are about to dole
out yet more corporate welfare to the ethanol lobby - most notably the giant
agribusiness conglomerate Archer Daniels Midland.

Ethanol is an alcohol fuel (and motor-fuel additive) derived from corn; thus
it is touted as a way to help end America's dependence upon Middle Eastern
oil, as well as a means of helping the environment. But ethanol is no
environmental panacea; nor is it energy-efficient. Far from it. Producing
ethanol is costly and complex, and uses up more oil-based energy resources
than the gasoline and other motor fuels it would ostensibly replace. And
burning ethanol in an internal-combustion engine creates environmental
problems, too, which add to the complexity of the air-quality problem by
throwing yet another variable into the emissions-control equation. Multiple
types of fuel, and different requirements regarding fuel additives, make it
harder for the auto industry to develop effective new emissions-control
equipment. Different fuel types and additive packages can (and do)
compromise the effectiveness and long-term durability of the
emissions-control equipment already in service.

Yet Sen. Daschle and his fellow porkers in the House and Senate want to
extend the existing subsidy to ethanol producers for at least another
decade--crop subsidies since 1996 alone have been worth more than $30
billion--and mandate the increased use of ethanol as a gasoline additive. A
provision inserted into the Senate version of the energy bill currently
under consideration would force gasoline refiners to use 5 billion gallons
of ethanol as an additive (or component) of the motor fuels they produce by
2012. That's more than double the current amount of ethanol being
used--every drop of it an extortionate transfer payment from the American
taxpayer to giant, politically connected agribusinesses.
 This new subsidy would be worth billions. And that's on top of the billions
the agribusiness lobby already suckles from taxpayers. It would also create
what amounts to a guaranteed market share, in perpetuity, that would be
immune from any market mechanisms whatsoever. Whether ethanol is good for
the environment, or good for the energy situation, becomes utterly
irrelevant. It may even be bad for both (more on that below). None of that
will matter. Taxpayers and motorists would simply get to pay a
government-enforced fee to Archer Daniels Midland and other beneficiaries of
corn-state corporate welfare, courtesy of the political pull of those such
as Daschle. The icing on the cake? If passed, the legislation would not only
guarantee this massive new subsidy, it would grant a "safe harbor"
protecting ethanol producers from legal action or other consequences arising
out of problems--including environmental and health problems--traced back to
ethanol's use as a motor fuel or motor-fuel additive. This from the party of
the "little guy" and the environment.

Another problem (all those billions aside) is that we could easily
experience a repeat of last year's fuel shortages and price spikes as a
result of all this, only much worse. The cause of those shortages was not
the greedy Middle Eastern cartels, but the shipping, distribution, and
refining problems associated with fuel requirements that differ from state
to state, as well as shortages of various additives and fuel "mixes" in some
regions of the country. Ethanol, which is used as an "oxygenate" in some
states, played a big role in that. By forcing refiners to use yet more
ethanol, which is produced almost entirely by a cartel of three major
companies (the biggest of which is ADM), the likelihood of future fuel
shortages and price spikes is huge.

This egregious (and dangerous) hog-slopping much be stopped, and it's up to
decent lawmakers of both parties to see to it that Daschle doesn't succeed
in legislating this taxpayer-financed payoff to his buddies at Archer
Daniels Midland.
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