Planet Ark :

Senator blocks US 'triple subsidy' for ethanol

USA: July 29, 2002

WASHINGTON - Ethanol does not need a "triple subsidy," California 
Sen. Dianne Feinstein argued in staving off a proposal to give Archer 
Daniels Midland Co. and other distillers up to $150 million a year to 
expand output of the alternative fuel made from corn.

Feinstein, a Democrat, was joined by Mississippi Republican Thad 
Cochran in opposing the subsidy during a Senate Appropriations 
Committee hearing on a $74.2 billion agricultural spending bill for 
fiscal 2003. The annual spending bill now goes to the Senate floor 
for a vote.

Iowa Democrat Tom Harkin, chairman of the Agriculture Committee and a 
senior appropriator, withdrew his proposal for $150 million in 
subsidies in the face of opposition on the committee. He was expected 
to try during floor debate to expand funding for the subsidy.

The new U.S. farm law authorized $150 million a year in aid to plants 
that expand ethanol production but only $50 million was provided for 
in the appropriations bill.

"I think this is something he'll definitely bring up on the floor," a 
spokesman said. "Senator Harkin is not satisfied with what was in the 
agriculture appropriations bill."

Ethanol is a growing industrial use for corn (maize), the leading 
U.S. feed grain and a major recipient of U.S. crop subsidies. 
Congress also has enacted a fuel-tax break to help ethanol compete 
with the price of gasoline.

"Now on top of this, we are subsidizing ethanol producers to expand 
... a triple subsidy here to ethanol producers," Feinstein said when 
Harkin proposed the $150 million level.

California officials oppose ethanol, despite its use as a 
cleaner-burning fuel additive, because they fear it will raise 
gasoline prices. Ethanol is difficult and costly to transport because 
it cannot be mixed with other fuels in pipelines and must be shipped 
primarily by truck.

The energy bill now in the final stages of development in Congress 
would give ethanol a larger role. House and Senate negotiators hope 
to finish the wide-ranging bill by mid-September.

A record 1.77 billion gallons of ethanol were produced last year, 
according to the Renewable Fuels Association. A new record of 2.1 
billion gallons is forecast for this year.

Harkin said the subsidy was limited to a maximum $7.5 million a year 
per plant and amounted to one bushel of corn for each 2.5 bushel 
increase in a plant's corn consumption.

"There are some new plants coming on line ... that are relying on 
this as a support for them to get going," Harkin said. The smaller 
$50 million being offered "would be a disaster, especially to small 
companies starting up."

While Feinstein scored ethanol as an over-subsidized industry, 
Cochran, a longtime member of the Agriculture and Appropriations 
committees, opposed Harkin's amendment as a raid on the new farm law 
that would inspire other attempts to siphon off money.

Harkin proposed to offset the larger ethanol subsidy by taking $15 
million from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).

"This is a farm conservation program that benefits farmers. It is 
popular with farmers all over the country," Cochran said.

EQIP shares the cost for farmers and ranchers to control manure and 
farm field runoff. It would get $700 million in the fiscal year 
beginning October 1 as part of a plan to vastly expand the program to 
protect water purity.

One bushel of corn yields 2.5 to 2.7 gallons of ethanol along with 
commercially useful byproducts. More than 800 million bushels of corn 
were likely to be used in ethanol production this year, about 8 
percent of the U.S. crop.

Monte Shaw of the RFA said the bio-energy program was "very 
successful" in promoting corn usage, which raised prices and reduced 
the cost of federal crop supports.

"Smaller farmer-owned plants found this to be really useful" so they 
could expand production, Shaw said.

Story by Charles Abbott


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