Dear Todd,

Not much to add, other than that I like what you said. I
hope others paid attention also.


At 01:07 PM 8/29/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>In the process of shredding Pimental's vastly flawed mathematics,
>a person does have to take note of one (1) very valid and correct
>line of thought, although he only alludes to it. Present-day,
>monoculture, factory farming poses considerable environmental
>risks to the planet. I would even go so far as to suggest that by
>and large it is not sustainable. Coupling present-day, mindless,
>energy consumption patterns with contemporary farming practices,
>biomass in the global scheme may not be as renewable a
>possibility as many would like to believe.
>Essentially what this means is that both energy farming and
>energy consumption must be rethought and the new axioms applied,
>or else we will be facing the same finite resource problem that
>presently exists with fossil fuels. In other words? Put an end to
>our gluttonous energy consumption and develop land "management"
>techniques that are conducive to reduced energy inputs, soil
>degradation and other problems inherant to mono-culture factory
>By and large most people become aware of this after giving it the
>first contemplative thought. Yet if only reviewed superficially
>these same persons see energy farming as a greater good without
>giving much consideration to the long term dis-benefits.
>For renewables in general to supplant fossil fuels in a
>sustainable manner, not only must production volume be sufficient
>and production processes undergo drastic evolution, but the
>entire human mindset necessarily must undergo reconstruction as
>to how energy is used. Whether we like it or not, we must develop
>a smaller energy footprint with each new day. Simply increasing
>biomass production and substituting it for present day fossil
>fuel consumption is a losing proposition of and by itself and
>hangs the concept of sustainability and the use of biomass out on
>the same rack as non-renewable energy production.
>Sooner or later politicos will be forced to admit this, rather
>than trying to avoid the issue by simply supplanting partial
>fossil fuel consumption with biomass to temporarily appease the
>Todd Swearingen
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 6:01 AM
>Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: ethanol economics
> >
> > Dear Todd,
> >
> > It is number games, only to size the problems and to
> > understand them. It is logical that we have a mix and
> > we are already there. What ever way you play the
> > numbers, it show that renewable are feasible and
> > doable even for US. It will however take space and
> > manpower that are of considerable size. It becomes
> > more a timing challenge of a social/political solution
> > than technical solutions.
> >
> > The mix of energy sources requires very deliberate
> > decisions, based on correct scientific understanding.
> > Already now the solutions are in the hands of the
> > political leaders and they procrastinate.
> >
> > For many, energy sources seems to be a choice
> > between technologies and a search for silver bullets.
> > It is however much more complicated than that and
> > diversity must be maintained. We do not want to
> > create an "energy fame" that is comparable with
> > the famous Irish "potato fame", but on a much
> > grander scale.
> >
> > I am dealing with energy saving, which should be
> > technically easier and a prerequisite to renewable.
> > Even here the solutions are in the hands of the
> > political leaders and they procrastinate.
> >
> > Hakan
> >
> >
> >
> > At 09:54 PM 8/28/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> > >I guess that means that when the last drop of fossil oil is
> > >visible on the horizon, we had better have some rather high
> > >combined fuel economy and numerous alternative energies in the
> > >mix. It's either that, or we'll have to choose between eating
> > >driving and everyone with a weak back or timid heart will have
> > >migrate to Florida every winter.
> > >
> > >Todd Swearingen
> > >
> > >----- Original Message -----
> > >From: Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >To: <>
> > >Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 9:38 PM
> > >Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: ethanol economics
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Dear Todd,
> > > >
> > > > I agree with you on the number game, I wrote earlier,
> > > >
> > > > With 25 barrels per hectare, the current
> > > > annual oil consumption would need more than 11 giga hectars
> > >land.
> > > > The yield would be a rounded 2,500 barrel per square km and
> > >annual
> > > > oil consumption would need 11,699,000 square km. This is
> > >than
> > > > the land mass of USA. For US internal consumption (25% of
> > >world), it
> > > > would need to grow sapium sebiferum on one quarter of its
> > >mass,
> > > > or approximately on all its current agriculture land. If US
> > > > average can be lowered to the current consumption for
> > >California, it
> > > > only need 14% of its land mass. On Swedish consumption
> > >it
> > > > will need 8% of its land mass.
> > > >
> > > > Your calculations confirm the above when you expand it to
> > >crude
> > > > oil usage. For transport only and with corn, we will end up
> > >with almost
> > > > the same numbers. For transport only, SVO and sapium
> > >you
> > > > only need a few percent of US landmass.
> > > >
> > > > Hakan
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > At 08:50 PM 8/28/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> > > > >The following is response to an off-list inquiry made
>about an
> > > > >article based upon David Pimental's representations as to
> > > > >ethanols dis-economics. It might make better sense to read
> > > > >original inquiry first, then the response.
> > > > >
> > > > >Todd Swearingen
> > > > >.............................
> > > > >
> > > > >Dear [snip],
> > > > >
> > > > >First, I would care to enquire as to what your
> > >and
> > > > >interest to the study, Pimental and any other researchers
> > >be.
> > > > >
> > > > >Second, a person need not be expert in any particular
>field to
> > > > >discern that Pimental's study is largely lacking in
> > > > >areas. Due diligence is sufficient to reveal many of the
> > >flaws.
> > > > >You can take one look at the article, make one call to
> > > > >nearest ag agent, put pen to paper and determine that his
> > > > >calculations are all too frequently derived from inflated
> > > > >assumptions, perspectives and allocations.
> > > > >
> > > > >One could start with the premise that the average gasoline
> > > > >powered automobile in the US only achieves a fuel economy
> > > > >~11.74 miles per gallon. That is gravely erroneous.
> > > > >
> > > > >One could continue with the premise that it takes 11 acres
> > > > >grow enough ethanol to propel same vehicle 10,000 miles
> > > > >year. At a national average of ~120 bushels of corn/acre,
> > > > >yielding almost exactly 2.5 gallons per bushel, Mr.
> > > > >suggests that it will take 7.16 acres to grow enough fuel
> > > > >produce the 852 gallons that will be derived from the
> > >remaining
> > > > >2.84 acres. This in itself does not jibe with Mr.
> > > > >energy input/output ratios.
> > > > >
> > > > >One could also take into consideration the negative impact
> > >that
> > > > >Pimental gives to agricultural subsidies while attributing
> > > > >weight to fossil fuels subsidies and the costs resulting
> > > > >them. This is an uneven and inappropriate tactic. Apples
> > > > >apples is the appropriate method, not pears to squirrels.
> > > > >
> > > > >One could point out that Mr. Pimental makes no effort to
> > > > >ameliorate the production cost of ethanol by including the
> > > > >principal co-products of corn-based ethanol manufacture -
> > > > >soap stock, lecithin and brewers' grains. In fact, Mr.
> > >Pimental
> > > > >would like to leave anyone who reads his "study" or
> > > > >based upon his "study" believing that only ethanol is
> > > > >from corn, therefore all costs and energy inputs/outputs
> > >should
> > > > >be assessed soley against the ethanol fraction.
> > > > >
> > > > >This is bogus, which any statistician, bean counter,
> > > > >or 1st year middle school student knows.
> > > > >
> > > > >The declaration also is made that it takes 11 acres to
> > >seven
> > > > >Americans. It is obvious by such a claim that Mr. Pimental
> > >at
> > > > >best deriving his numbers from a heavily impalanced,
> > > > >farmed, meat centered diet where the majority of the
> > >is
> > > > >used to produce grains and other feed for livestock, not
> > >humans.
> > > > >This in itself shows a severe bias towards inflated
> > >and
> > > > >gives one cause to question if total exports of
> > > > >products were subtracted from his equations prior to their
> > > > >concoction.
> > > > >
> > > > >Throw in this "whopper" for good measure. Total US dry
> > >mass
> > > > >is 3,536,278 square miles, or 2,263,217,920 acres.
> > >own
> > > > >numbers and those from the article include that the
> > >auto
> > > > >travels 10,000 miles, consuming 852 gallons of ethanol (if
> > >E-100
> > > > >powered), that the average acre produces 126.96 bushels of
> > >corn,
> > > > >that the average yield of ethanol per bushel is 2.58
> > > > >that the energy ratio is 1.70 to 1.0 (2.70 total gallons
> > > > >ethanol per gallon produced) and that 97% of the US land
> > > > >would have to be planted in corn to meet this demand.
> > > > >total land mass, not just arable land.)
> > > > >
> > > > >(2,263,217,920 x 126.96 x 2.58) / (832 x 2.7) =
> > > > >"average" automobiles traversing the US, at 10,000 miles
> > > > >
> > > > >Oddly, the poplulation of the US is ~281,421,906 (year
> > > > >census, excluding service men and women overseas). Equally
> > >odd
> > > > >is that US automobile insurers rate the average driver at
> > >~10,000
> > > > >miles annually. Subtracting from the population those
> > >not
> > > > >yet of driving age (under 16 years old) leaves you with
> > > > >217,149147 persons old enough to drive. Subtracting the
> > > > >population older than 80 years of age leaves you with
> > > > >~207,964,163 persons capable of driving the requisite
> > > > >miles per year.
> > > > >
> > > > >That makes Pimental's numbers incredulously inflated by
> > >36.98% -
> > > > >a rather large margin of miscalculation. Couple that with
> > > > >obviously errant average fuel economy of 11.74 mpg when 20
> > >is
> > > > >closer to realistic. That's an approximate 41.32% total
> > > > >consumption error, bringing the total land mass
> > > > >covered by maize down to ~40.08%. Multiply that times the
> > >~63.02%
> > > > >of actual drivers, rather than Pimental's 36.98% inflated
> > >number,
> > > > >and you come up with ~25.26% of the total land mass
>covered by
> > > > >corn, not the 97% that is mis-represented.
> > > > >
> > > > >(I wonder if Pimental would consider the difference
> > > > >"significant?")
> > > > >
> > > > >Couple all of these errors made by Pimental with fuel
> > > > >constantly being on the rise and you begin to see even
> > > > >monumental reductions in Pimental's mis-representations.
> > > > >from the fact that Pimental was heavily in error when he
> > > > >presented his "study," he and it are even more irrelevant
> > > > >each new hybrid or fuel efficient Jetta, Geo or other auto
> > >that
> > > > >goes into circulation.
> > > > >
> > > > >Yet numerous people off-handedly accept Pimental's "study"
> > > > >without much question. Why? Because he has a few letters
> > >dangling
> > > > >from his last name?
> > > > >
> > > > >As I said before [Snip], even a 1st year middle school
> > > > >could legitimately poke holes in Pimental's work, which is
> > > > >largely what has been occurring since it came out.
> > > > >
> > > > >Maybe you know of a person or two who would be interested
>in a
> > > > >gravy masters or doctoral thesis?
> > > > >
> > > > >Hope the perspectives help. It's time for me to "clock
> > >in."
> > > > >
> > > > >Todd Swearingen
> > > > >
> > > > >----- Original Message -----
> > > > >From: <[snip]>
> > > > >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > >Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 7:17 AM
> > > > >Subject: ethanol economics
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > Hi Todd,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Would you please review an article on a study by Prof.
> > >David
> > > > >Pimentel on the
> > > > > > uneconomical use of ethanol as a fuel? The article is
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > If you would please detail your response to the main
> > >in
> > > > >the article,
> > > > > > I would greatly appreciate your expert viewpoints.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thank you,
> > > > > > [snip]
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
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