Hi Keith,

I do not find any mention or defense of the US in my text and I agree with
much of what you said. I do still maintain that there are many more
countries represented at the UN that do not meet the Hakan test of a
democracy and If we were to look at it from a one person one vote it would
be even worse. That makes the UN a poor candidate for a Democratic World

Do please stop putting words in other peoples mouths and we could do with a
lot less of your personal slander. If you used your mind in a constructive
way I think you could make a  valid point with out personal attacks.

Best regards,

                      Keith Addison                                             
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       
                      orever.org>              cc:                              
                                               Subject:  Re: [biofuel] There's 
gotta be a better way  Was: BP now Direct Democracy     
                      11/09/02 04:42 PM                                         
                      Please respond to                                         

 >For Hakan to be right about the UN the states that are members would have
>to, at least the majority, be democracies and as that is not the case in
>the vast majority of members it causes the concept to not work and is one
>of the main causes of the ongoing failures of the UN to get much done.
>you are made up of corrupt states it is hard to not be corrupt.
>Best regards,

Funny idea, that the US has been some kind of champion of democracy
in the wide world, which is what you seem to think. Jonas Savimbi,
Mobutu Sese Seko, Pinochet, Marcos, Sukarno, White South Africa, the
Sauds, the Shah... ah hell, I'll save my fingers from typing such a
long list of fine democrats.

Of course there's now a growing charge-sheet against US-based and
other corporations sowing corruption in 3rd World countries,
corporations mostly stemming from the nations which hogtied the UN in
the first place. Your positioning of "democracies" on the one side
and "corrupt states" on the other is naive in the extreme.


>There's gotta be a better wayΚ Was: BP now
> "... somewhat represent a world democracy is UN"??ΚΚ "Democracy must be
>shown at a global level to survive"??
>Pardon if I offend anyone on this list ... but the concept of a "world
>democracy" makes me very nervous.Κ It, by the way it is sometimes talked
>about, implies in an unsaid way .... the existence of a so-called
>"global-level government". ... to which "all" so-called "governments" must
>implicitly be subserveant to its "global-level rules".
>This would to me imply that, in the same way we in America have a
>City-n-County level .... State Government level ... and Federal Government
>level, there would be a new level ... a "Global" Government level..... to
>which our "President" (Clinton/Bush/Etc) would relate as a "Governor" does
>to a "President".Κ Only in this case it would be ... what .. a "Global
>And then what??Κ Would President Vladamir Putin also be a "Governor"??Κ Of
>the Russian Region??Κ Would Arafat be a "Governor"??Κ Of the Palestinian
>Then countries wouldn't be countries anymore ... but only "States" (with
>"Governors") .... in a what??Κ A "Global Country"??Κ The "one-world
>What would happen to our illustrious document .... the Constitution??
>I ....... dunno .... Hakan.ΚΚ I see where you're coming from ... and I
>understand what you mean.Κ But I'm not sure if "that's" the way to handle
>it.Κ It sets a very eerie precedence.Κ And makes me very nervous.
>Get your free newsletter at
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Now we have democracies based on countries and different organizations of
>appointment of governments. The only body that somewhat represent a world
>democracy is UN. I really hope that we can show respect this time and not
>repeat history. Democracy will not work, if we do not introduce it on a
>world wide basis and condemn any kind of occupation.
>Democracy must be shown at a global level to survive. The way that US and
>some others behave is by no definition to describe as international
>democracy. We must nurture and respect UN as a body at any cost, otherwise
>we will repeat history and democracy becomes a theatric farce.

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