Would someone kindly remove me from this godforsaken list.
----- Original Message -----
From: "motie_d" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 5:58 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Direct Democracy

> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > >
> > > >
> >
> >
> > > When the Nazis rounded up the Jews for their trip to the showers,
> > >they were unable to resist.
> >
> > Another American who feels somewhat the same just told me he feels
> > like he's living in Germany in the 1930s.
> >
> > >Some of us have decided that we won't
> > >give up our defensive tools until we are out of ammo.
> >
> > Didn't the Taliban, for instance, also feel that way? No, not
> trying
> > to stir it up at all, just trying to indicate that it might not
> help
> > you much more than it helped them, should it ever come to that.
> Is it better to willingly submit to slavery?
> >
> > > So, yes, it's about our Constitution!
> >
> > Well, have a look at what the Swiss have done with it - same bit of
> > paper basically.
> >
> > > >
> > "Switzerland, by the way,
> > modelled its current federal constitution on the US, in 1848.
> > Government there is a very local business, strictly bottom-up, the
> > federal government is tiny and hardly seems to matter. There's no
> > clear division between the governing party and the opposition."
> While ours has metamorphisized into 'Top Down', is huge, and matters
> in every aspect and detail of our lives.
> >
> > It would seem the leaders, if that's quite the word (I think
> > it isn't quite the word), don't have much choice but to abide by
> the
> > consitution, and anyway nobody seems to take very much notice of
> them.
> We don't have the option to ignore them, when everything we do needs
> a Permit(or several) from someone who is under NO obligation to grant
> it, and has immunity from prosecution for his failures. There is
> little or no accountability for misfeasance, malfeasance or outright
> corruption.
> >
> > I think one aspect of the teledemocracy James is proposing is that
> is
> > could be local local local.
> A return to local control over local affairs would be desirable, and
> some of us are working on it.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jail4judges/
> http://www.jail4judges.net
> >
> > > >
> > Anyway, Motie, you see teledemocracy = Direct Democracy = Mob Rule,
> > the preferred alternative being the Rule of Law, and, what, the
> > status quo?
> We seem to have a misunderstanding on terminolgy. What I was
> referring to as Mob Rule, is what is currently happening in our
> forests. Loggers are demonized as wanting to destroy the forests for
> fun and profit, and honestly concerned but misinformed people write
> letters/make phone calls to their Representative to stop them. The
> Representatives then pass a 'Law' prohibitting timber harvesting,
> with no legal authority to write such a 'Law'. Constitutional 'Due
> Process' is ignored by Judges who rule in whatever manner is most
> profitable to them personally, with little pretense to complying with
> Due Process or Rule of Law. They simply make an arbitrary decision,
> and have men with guns(Law Enforcement) enforce their illegal
> mandates. Legal appeals and Petitions for Redress of Grievance are
> mostly ignored, with NO Due Process folowed in dismissing the case.
> Those who persist in their quest for Justice are fined and jailed,
> and their houses confiscated by more arbitrary decisions of the
> Judge. When the Judges won't follow the Laws, we have Tyranny in
> action.
> > Somehow I don't think you're that happy with either of
> > those. The bit above ending with the Patriot Act is either the Rule
> > of Law at work or shows that it's a weakling, easily purloined. It
> > also looks more than somewhat like what you have now is Mob Rule.
> The definition I was using for Mob Rule, is when a few individuals
> can misinform an ignorant bunch of people to forcefully impose their
> wishes on others with NO regard for Laws. Basically a Riot, with
> members of the Mob being controlled by a few manipulative people with
> a personal agenda. The Salem Witch trials would fit the definition of
> Mob Rule, as I intended to use it. The KKK would be another example.
>  Tyranny, as I used it, is sort of a dispersed Monarchy, or shared
> Dictatorships, with Judges in each Judicial District being the
> Supreme Ruler, and with their immunity to prosecution are totally
> unaccountable.
> > Law
> > and justice are not the same. That allegedly virginal and unraped
> > lady in the white dress has a set of scales and a sword, usually a
> > two-edged one that seems to cut a lot more with one edge than the
> > other, and no wonder, since she's blindfold. Blind justice? I think
> > what they meant, or should have meant, was impartial justice.
> I agree that impartial Justice, based on Rule of Law, was the
> original intent. When certain people with political connections are
> allowed to disregard the Laws, there is no longer any Justice.
> > Now how
> > much of that do you find in the Rule of Law? And how does all this
> > have a bearing on what's going on and not going on in your local
> > forest? If not, why not? It's deadlocked. How to break the
> deadlock?
> Equal applicability of the Laws will be needed to bring us to a state
> of Justice. How to do so, is the problem. Not to get off-topic, but
> that is why we are so defensive of gun ownership. That is our last
> line of defense.
> > What's befallen your own project looks to me like a good example of
> > Mob Rule and the Rule of Law being available to the highest bidder.
> > You might succeed in tipping those scales your way (not that the
> > blind lady will even notice), but it shouldn't be happening in the
> > first place. So much for business-as-usual when it comes to
> > democracy. What democracy? What's better, to go on and on flogging
> a
> > dead horse, or try something new?
> I don't see it as Mob Rule, unless you are using the Mafia or
> Organized Crime as the definition of 'Mob'. Perhaps this is where we
> are misunderstanding each other? If this is your preferred definition
> of 'Mob Rule', I concurr.
> Direct Democracy is where 50 misinformed activists can overrule 10
> professional Foresters as to the best method of preserving the health
> of our forests, with no need for any evidence to support their
> argments. Facts are irrelevant in a Direct Democracy as I understand
> the term.
> >
> > >
> Motie
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