CF bulb prices are plummeting.      3 for $10 at home depot depending on 
the wattage. I actually just got five of them through a Grocery Outlet 
(kind of a bent-can salvage goods store) for 80 cents a piece, but that's 
unusual. they were about $15 each or more before the calif. energy crisis, 
and last a long time. a long time ago I cracked the base of one and it 
still works. couldn't say that for fragile incandescents.

At 12:19 AM 1/29/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>David Crab wrote:
> > Now.. this is not to say that all the money spent into conservation isn't
> > working..  <i certainly would like
> > my state to have the nice incentives for solar and alternative power that
> > Calif has.>..  Right now, I pay
> > 3.5 cents per kWHr.. so it takes a loooong time to make the extra money 
> back
> > from Compact Flourescents.
> > Your average Joe isn't going to do it here.  They will just spend the
> > 40cents for a incandescent bulb vs 8 dollars for a CF light.  To me.. it is
> > worth it for the piece of mind that there isnt some diesel plant spewing
> > less junk for my lights.
> >
> > I think the average person knows money.. and *would* spend money to convert
> > lights 'permanently' to flourescents, if it would mean they got a tax 
> break.
> > Less power needs = less power plants which is good for us all.
>You pay 3.5 cents per kWh ??   I pay 7.09 cents per kWh
>meanly coal some nuclear, hydro and wind.
>Using your figures I'd make nearly 100 percent return
>(long term) on my investment or rather save nearly $20
>using a Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulb -- taxes not included.
>    For example --
>100 Watt/hour incandescent bulb with a estimated 1000 hour life expectancy.
>$0.40 bulb @ 1000 hours x 10 bulbs = $4.00 worth of incandescent bulbs for 
>10,000 hours.
>100 Watts/hour x 10,000 hours divide by 1000 Watts/kW = 1000 kW x 3.5 
>cents/kW = $35 of electricity.
>$4.00 + $35 = $39
>33 Watt/hour CFL bulb providing equivalent light of a 100 Watt 
>incandescent bulb
>$8.00 CFL bulb with a 10,000 hour life expectancy.
>33 Wh x 10,000 hours divide by 1000 W/kW = 330 kW x 3.5 cents = $11.55 of 
>$8.00 + $11.55 = $19.55
>Locally I could buy 2 CFL bulbs for $8.00
>emitting 60 Watts of light each but only using 15 W each
>of electricity.
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