Big energy owns patents on producing Hydrogen and has the muscles/capacity.
They are ready to move into the next killing field where they can master,
President Bush just promised us Hydrogen cars for the year 2015.
You think it's coincidental that the White House and the big energy see
something in common for the future,
that we can not foresee?  That we will be driven to drive Hydrogen cars and
still paying these big energy companies
their handsome reward in dominating the energy - Hydrogen supply?

Why are we here talking about BioFuel and Air cars/Electric cars?  Our
future had been chartered by the big energy
and politician.  Don't you know that?  They can dictate what kind of cars
that we can drive and when, and all we can do is
to buy from the menu for the limited choices we have!

Maybe the lessons that we had learned from being slaves to gasoline, had
finally paid off!
So we are searching on our future cars, not following their plan.  Do you
think we will be punished for being naughty?
If I got my hands on an aircar, takes some electricity to compress air.  So
what?  The air is free and once release, it's still air.  And put them back
in, compress then release!  Compress and release......Do it everyday and
nobody can charge me for using
the air.

Nobody can limit the use of air and that is a good thing.  The big energy
company probably had not found a way to stop
us from using Air as alternative ore renewable energy yet! And why the
energy company spares BioFuel?  Because it's expensive to produce Bio Fuels
or ethanol?

The big brother will try to control us again!!
Forcing us to use this dirty gasoline and it's by-products, causing wars and
ruining the earth!
The entire human population is now chained to the gasoline pumps, no way to
But hope!  God gives us hope!  We can still get biodiesel, air or even
Hydrogen cars.
However beware of the Hydrogen supply market,  unless they can control this
supply or else they won't let go the
gasoline.  Which they have total control, what kinds of cars do we drive or
how frequent that we have to visit gas
stations.  Do you not feel that we are all pre-programmed to buy a car and
then go to gas pumps, TV commercials,
car salesmen, auto shows!  We people here probably have 'defects' in our
programs, that is why we are seeking a
different solution.  Good luck! Watch your back!  Don't let them get you!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan S. Petrillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Is Big Energy Hijacking Hydrogen?

> Keith Addison wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Is Big Energy Hijacking Hydrogen?
> Wrong tense.  Big Energy has hijacked hydrogen.
> AP
> --
> Aviation is more than a hobby.  It is more than a job.  It is more than
> a career.  Aviation is a way of life.
> A second language for the world:
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