Dear All
I am not a selfish man and with all due respect I have
signed up to this group and others to offer and get
help with my research on Bio fuel (Bio diesel) (an
area which although not as significant as the war is
as important), and not to a political discussion on
the validly of the war on Iraq or to answer and read
numerous opinions on the different propagandas that
those pro and ant spread.

After all in 200 year or so there will be no reason
for the war as all the fossil fuel will be gone so let
us follow the advice of 
“””””“Jennifer, Capt. USAF””””””Can all this liberal
blame America crap....20 of us may die now, so that
>20,000 don't die later.......get over it..i'm IN the
military and you won't >see me whining...get back to
Bio-fuel matters...and CAN all this stupid and >Moot
political BS. Dissent once American troops are
deployed = giving >comfort, aid and incentive to our
enemies, thus increasing the number of >AMERICAN and
Iraqi deaths likely....Lets talk 

and march on forward with our research after all
between the Iraqis burning the oil and the American
army using   Millions of barrels a day  of the stuff
to march in and destroy the axis of evil by force and
no diplomacy the need for bio fuel might be sooner
than later.

Yours truly,
An ignorant man to the human value of 20000 as I can
only see the 20 of today 

--- martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pull your hat down lower. Feels better to say you're
> right because your 
> government says so, doesn't it. Dissent does NOT
> equal treason. I repeat 
> because people with their crap logic don't
> understand it: DISSENT DOES 
> People who say they don't want the military over
> there are commiting 
> treason, right?
> I have the right to disagree with the government.
> The people HAVE A 
> RIGHT TO DISAGREE. If you insist on making a woven
> crap connection 
> between dissent and treason, PROVE IT.
> For example, I can prove my argument:
> Statement: "I disagree with military action in the
> middle east"
> Argument #1: giving comfort
> Reply: No matter how many Iraqis I tell, none of
> them are going to feel 
> better knowing I disagree with my government.
> Argument #2: aid
> Reply: How is protesting giving aid? I didn't give
> anyone any sort of aid.
> Argument #3: incentive
> Reply: Is someone going to be more likely to fight
> knowing I don't like 
> what's going on? No. If 2 people are in a fist
> fight, are they going to 
> care what the other person's mother thinks?
> >Can all this liberal blame America crap....20 of us
> may die now, so that 
> >20,000 don't die later.......get over it..i'm IN
> the military and you won't 
> >see me whining...get back to Bio-fuel matters...and
> CAN all this stupid and 
> >Moot political BS. Dissent once American troops are
> deployed = giving 
> >comfort, aid and incentive to our enemies, thus
> increasing the number of 
> >AMERICAN and Iraqi deaths likely....Lets talk 
> BIO-FUELS!!!!!!......
> >                                                   
> >     Jennifer, Capt. USAF
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> ---
> Martin Klingensmith

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