hmmm, how to start...your response intrigues me.  Partially because (though I 
concede emotion is a difficult thing to read accurately in an e-mail) you sound 
quite angry.  A rapid angry response - and poorly justified (sound familiar?).  
It seems that more than your desire to have the list return to discussion of 
biofuels, it is your intention to denounce those posts (or posters) that you 
consider "liberal" and which seem to "blame America" regardless of their 
content.  What exactly is so liberal about Senator Byrd's Senate floor speech?  
Since when did "glorying in the wisdom of the country's founders" and 
revellling in the wisdom and magnificance of the country's legal foundations" 
become moot?  
    We forget ourselves today.  In fact we are made to forget.  I work every 
day with a Navy SEAL who has started the school and research institute that I 
am now a part of.  Our mission is to seek out and develop new ways of living 
well in the places where we find ourselves and to find menaningful ways to 
teach those skills and ideas to young people, both US (mostly) and Bahamian, 
who have the lost any sense that they belong to a place and that it matters to 
them or they to it.  We realize that "sustainability", however you define it, 
is not about wind generators, solar panels or biodiesel - it is about people 
and places - about laughter and friendship.  These are the things we would like 
to "sustain".  These are also things that we forget today, which is convenient, 
because all of them happen also to be at great risk in Iraq right now.  I live 
in a place at the furthest remote end of a tired island where people are poor 
and unemployment is staggering and the guiding presence of strong leadership is 
nearly absent.  I wake up every day and need to ask myself how I will work 
harder today to see that my efforts are not misplaced, in vain or, worse, moot. 
 Yesterday I returned from taking 15 students of various backgrounds on a 4 dya 
kayak trip tp help them discover this place.  It is likely that these trips do 
more for me by way of rejuvination and distance from the buzz of computers and  
motors, than it does for the students.  Upon my return yesterday evening I 
learned we were bombing Iraq.  I sat at a bar with some Bahamian friends and 
watched as Bush spoke with that air of being "bathed in the light of his own 
certainty" about the path for a war which has no good reason.  His ambiguity 
was stark and his lack of sincerity and justification was utterly frightening.  
When I think about what it is that matters (what we should be putting billions 
of dollars in money, and resources toward - not to mention people) in the world 
right now it is not the vengeful actions of administration cronies who are 
enacting a long pent up vision of widespread US hegemony and preemptive 
military strikes, in order to serve the those thatalready have more than they 
could ever need.  In Robert Byrd's statement (and hundreds of other posts and 
articles) I found something so much more Patriotic and sincere and SANE than 
the picture I see before me in the "news".  Moot?  This war has been called 
"illegal" by France, Germany and Russia; the independant press has labeled it 
the worst moral transgression in a generation.  There are efforts mounting 
across the United States to have Bush impeached and, moreover tried as a war 
criminal.  I am sorry but this is not moot, stupid, or whining.  Your status, 
rank, or whatever you have in the military concerns me very little and neither 
lends weight nor detracts from your position.  I know many people in the 
military, either past or present, who speak with equal eloquance either for or 
dramatically against war in Iraq.  What concerns me is what we do now.  It will 
require far greater work to undo the web of mistakes that has led the US into 
this intractable position than would have been necessary a week ago.  No one 
has woken up in a safer world today than they did yesterday.  I can only hope 
that the sheer absurdity of Bush's "plan" will spark enough latent minds to 
fufill their responsibility as citizens (of any nation) that there may be some 
good that comes of this tragedy.
If you have made it this far in my ramble ( i am tired), here is a little 
biofuel bit.  I made 110 gallons of beautiful, clear biodiesel today and 
finished washing another 150 that I will be able to give to local residents to 
help them run mixers for a local playground construction project.  Soon they 
will know how to make it themselves.  
one foot after the next..
Jack Kenworthy
Sustainable Systems Director
The Cape Eleuthera Island School
242-359-7625 ph. 954-252-2224 fax
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 11:48 AM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] "Arrogance of Power"

  Can all this liberal blame America crap....20 of us may die now, so that 
  20,000 don't die later.......get over it..i'm IN the military and you won't 
  see me whining...get back to Bio-fuel matters...and CAN all this stupid and 
  Moot political BS. Dissent once American troops are deployed = giving 
  comfort, aid and incentive to our enemies, thus increasing the number of 
  AMERICAN and Iraqi deaths likely....Lets talk  BIO-FUELS!!!!!!......
       Jennifer, Capt. USAF

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