And as long as the fox is guarding the hen house, the
people will have to do without eggs and meat. I'm sure that
it's been a very long time since there has been an election
run fairly in the U.S. but, to put a Republican Secretary
of State to count the votes in an election where the winner
is also the Governor's brother, give me a break.

Only a Right Winger would try to pass off such a farce as
something genuine. Is all the stuff you've accumulated over
the years worth the selling of your soul to keep it. Why
can't you see that a level playing field is the only chance
that mankind has of survival. Too many poor people are
paying for your security, so why don't you try living on
the right side (fair side) for a change.

The time has arrived to put all of this senseless bickering
aside, and for each and every one of us to except the
responsibility to end starvation and see that every citizen
of this planet has access to clean water and sanitation
facilities. It's not enough to pull ourselves up out of the
mess because, if we don't insure equality for all the elite
will kick us back in the pot when they're done using all
good Republicans to win the vote for them.

I was a Republican until my wife broke her neck in a car
wreck, and all of a sudden my $100K+ salary wouldn't even
pay a third of our medical bills. And then the insurance
ran out and I was forced to fall in this great country's
safety net or put my wife in a nursing home at age 41. And
now that Bush has raided over 50% of the entitlement funds
that keep my family together, I have no choice but to call
a pig, pork. 

--- "Crabb, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> because unless everyone is honest, then you would have
> people
> voting for different candidates than before, because
> they didn't like the outcome.
> you would also have people, who didn't bother voting
> before,
> now voting.  as well as people who voted before but can
> not 
> take time off again to vote, due to various reasons.
> besides.. the cards had been counted many times. same
> results.
> Message: 1
>    Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 22:04:27 -0700 (PDT)
>    From: Kris Book <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Bringing democracy to Sweden
> The worst part of the whole bullshit mess was how the
> Democrats rolled over liked kicked dogs (nothing but a
> wimper). How could anyone with a sense of fair play be
> against a revote, when there were so many discrepancies.
> Our Forefathers must be turning over in there graves.
> If this continues, Republicans will soon be called Torys
> and we'll be dumping tea in Boston Harbor again. The
> Right
> Wing had better soon remember that, might isn't always
> right. I guess we had a King George back 228 years ago
> too.
> kris
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