How We Lost the Victory

By Ted Rall, AlterNet
April 16, 2003

NEW YORK - We wanted it to be true. It wasn't.

The stirring image of Saddam's statue being toppled on April 9th 
turns out to be fake, the product of a cheesy media op staged by the 
U.S. military for the benefit of cameramen staying across the street 
at Baghdad's Palestine Hotel. This shouldn't be a big surprise. Two 
of the most stirring photographs of World War II - the flag raising 
at Iwo Jima and General MacArthur's stroll through the Filipino surf 
- were just as phony.

Anyone who has seen a TV taping knows that tight camera angles 
exaggerate crowd sizes, but even a cursory examination of last week's 
statue-toppling propaganda tape reveals that no more than 150 Iraqis 
gathered in Farbus Square to watch American Marines - not Iraqis - 
pull down the dictator's statue. Hailing "all the demonstrations in 
the streets," Defense Secretary Rumsfeld waxed rhapsodically: 
"Watching them," he told reporters, "one cannot help but think of the 
fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Iron Curtain."

Hundreds of thousands of cheering Berliners filled the streets when 
their divided city was reunited in 1989. Close to a million Yugoslavs 
crowded Belgrade at the end of Slobodan Milosevic's rule in 2000. 
While some individual Iraqis have welcomed U.S. troops, there haven't 
been similar outpourings of approval for our "liberation." Most of 
the crowds are too busy carrying off Uday's sofas to say thanks, and 
law-abiding citizens are at home putting out fires or fending off 
their rapacious neighbors with AK-47s. Yet Americans wanted to see 
their troops greeted as liberators, so that's what they saw on TV. 
Perhaps Francis Fukuyama was correct - if it only takes 150 happy 
looters to make history, maybe history is over.

Actually, they were 150 imported art critics. The statue bashers were 
militiamen of the Iraqi National Congress, an anti-Saddam outfit led 
by one Ahmed Chalabi. The INC was flown into Iraq by the Pentagon 
over CIA and State Department protests. Chalabi is Rumsfeld's choice 
to become Iraq's next puppet president.

Photos at the indispensable Information Clearing House website place 
one of Chalabi's aides at the supposedly spontaneous outpouring of 
pro-American Saddam bashing at Firdus Square.

"When you are moving through this country there is [sic] not a lot of 
people out there and you are not sure they want us here," Sgt. Lee 
Buttrill gushed to ABC News. "You finally get here and see people in 
the street feeling so excited, feeling so happy, tearing down the 
statue of Saddam. It feels really good." That rah-rah BS is what 
Americans will remember about the fall of Baghdad - not the 
probability that Buttrill, part of the armed force that cordoned off 
the square to protect the Iraqi National Congress' actors, was merely 
telling war correspondents what they wanted to hear. In his 
critically acclaimed book "Jarhead," Gulf War vet Anthony Swofford 
writes that Marines routinely lie to gullible reporters.

ABC further reported: "A Marine at first draped an American flag over 
the statue's face, despite military orders to avoid symbols that 
would portray the United States as an occupying - instead of a 
liberating - force." Yet another lie. As anyone with eyes could 
plainly see, American tanks are festooned with more red, white and 
blue than a Fourth of July parade. And that particular flag was 
flying over the Pentagon at the time of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. 
The Defense Department gave it to the Marines in order to perpetuate 
Bush's lie that Iraq was involved in the 9-11 attacks.

Patriotic iconography is a funny thing. I've known that the Iwo Jima 
photo was fake for years, but it nonetheless stirs me every time I 
see it. Firdus Square's footage will retain its power long after the 
last American learns the truth.

The Phony War Ends, the Phony Liberation Begins

It was a fitting end for a war waged under false pretexts by a 
fictional coalition led by an ersatz president. Bush never spent much 
time thinking about liberation, and even his exploitation is being 
done with as little concern as possible for the dignity of our new 
colonial subjects.

What a difference a half-century makes! American leaders devoted 
massive manpower and money to plan for the occupation of the 
countries they invaded during World War II. What good would it do, 
they asked, to liberate Europe if criminals and tyrants filled the 
power vacuum created by the fleeing Nazis? Thousands of officers from 
a newly-established Civil Affairs division of the U.S. Army were 
parachuted into France on the day after D-Day, while bullets were 
still flying, with orders to stop looting, establish law and order 
and restore essential services.

GWB is no FDR. Three weeks after the U.S. invaded Iraq, Civil Affairs 
was still stuck in Kuwait. Rumsfeld's war plan didn't allow for 
protecting museums and public buildings from looters, or innocent 
Iraqi women from roving gangs of marauding rapists. At the same time 
thousands of irreplaceable archeological treasures from the National 
Museum of Iraq were being sacked by thousands of looters, dozens of 
American troops were hanging around the Saddam statue videotaping, 
trying to be quotable.

As priceless ancient Sumerian jewelry and Assyrian sculptures were 
being carried away on donkeys and carts, archeologist Raid Abdul 
Ridhar Muhammad tried to convince Marines manning a nearby Abrams 
tank to stop the looters. "I asked them to bring their tank inside 
the museum grounds," he told The New York Times. "But they refused 
and left."

"Stuff happens," Rummy said. "Freedom's untidy." He has the same 
taste in art as the Taliban.

This Administration's policy of perpetual war has become a case study 
in entropy, the distinctly pessimistic notion that no matter how bad 
things get we can figure out a way to make them worse. Entropy 
triumphed in Afghanistan, as the world's worst regime was replaced by 
dozens of thuggish warlords. The end of Saddam Hussein comes as 
welcome news, even if it's merely the accidental byproduct of a 
barely-disguised oil grab. But as Iraq's cities burn and its 
patrimony is hustled off into the black market and its women wail and 
the rape gangs rule the night, it's hard to escape the conclusion 
that we've lost this war as well.

Ted Rall is the author of "Gas War: The Truth Behind the American 
Occupation of Afghanistan," an analysis of the underreported 
Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline project and the real motivations behind 
the war on terrorism.

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