I have some comments regarding my fellow citizen's comments from Dallas,
Texas, but first I'd like to say that this list is fantastic and very

I'm a grad student in California trying to move into renewable energy
production.  As a research scientist I KNOW that the technologies are
totally feasible - biodiesel, ethanol, photovoltaics, wind - and I also
know that California gets 25% of its oil from Iraq (pre-war).  So it is
(unfortunately) a political issue - if it wasn't, California would have
switched to renewables entirely about 25 years ago - no fossil fuels
whatsoever.  So I completely appreciate the 'political' posts as well as
the technical ones, and I'm sure as hell not going to give up my
citizenship and leave the state!  Some of my fellow citizens apparently
don't understand the fact that the only reason we have any rights in the
US is because people fought for them for hundreds of years.  Leave the
country?  I think not.

In any case, what we are going to do in California is do what should have
been done 25 years ago- completely switch to renewable energy sources.
There are about a thousand entrenched obstacles, but we really have no
other choice.  There are thousands of people in California that are
behind this approach, from all levels of society.  We are going to build
ethanol and biodiesel processing plants, using local agriculture, we are
going to build and manufacture solar arrays and wind turbines, and anyone
with the necessary skills can participate.  Everyone I talk to has had
enough of the energy barons and the ripoffs - see Greg Palast's chapter on
"California Reamin'" in his new book for the details.  We want no part of
the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Ashcroft junta and their dreams of world
conquest.  What do they worry about most?  Losing control of the energy
supply - which is what renewable, dispersed energy means to them, which is
why the first thing they did was to slash the renewable research budget.

Yes, the propaganda is piled on thick here - see www.dieoff.org for a
cleverly disguised example.  The theme of this site is that we (in the US)
are going to die a horrible death of energy starvation unless we grab the
world's oil....since only an idiot would trust solar energy and
biofuels to 'do the job'....This is high-brow propaganda - for more
examples, see www.luntzspeak.com, and then try doing a Google search for
'luntzspeak'- is that a first?  Is that really censorship on Google?  I
hope its just technical.

GW BUSH Luntzspeak:
"I'm proposing 1.2 billion in research funding so that America can lead
the world in developing clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles...The first
car driven by a child born today could be powered by hydrogen, and

GW BUSH English translation: "The Big 3 automakers have fought for decades
against fuel efficiency.  But, its the State of the Union, and I need a
way to look green.  By 'proposing' research funding, I can put off any
real emissions reductions for years."


Anyhow, this list is great.  Best wishes, Karus Solem

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