Dear Hakan,

That is an interesting site, although it seems a bit out of date
(pre-Enron days c. 2000).  Increasing efficiency is certainly an important
component.  Here is a recent article on the topic:

On Mon, 21 Apr 2003, Hakan Falk wrote:

> Dear Karus,
> We have tried to get through to the Californians with,
> Maybe it will be of some interest for you. The official
> advices on energy saving are still to lower/rise temperatures
> and to shut down HVAC in offices during non office hours.
> This way they ensure the occurrence of high peak demands
> in predictable time periods.
> Hakan
> At 03:23 PM 4/19/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >I have some comments regarding my fellow citizen's comments from Dallas,
> >Texas, but first I'd like to say that this list is fantastic and very
> >useful.
> >
> >I'm a grad student in California trying to move into renewable energy
> >production.  As a research scientist I KNOW that the technologies are
> >totally feasible - biodiesel, ethanol, photovoltaics, wind - and I also
> >know that California gets 25% of its oil from Iraq (pre-war).  So it is
> >(unfortunately) a political issue - if it wasn't, California would have
> >switched to renewables entirely about 25 years ago - no fossil fuels
> >whatsoever.  So I completely appreciate the 'political' posts as well as
> >the technical ones, and I'm sure as hell not going to give up my
> >citizenship and leave the state!  Some of my fellow citizens apparently
> >don't understand the fact that the only reason we have any rights in the
> >US is because people fought for them for hundreds of years.  Leave the
> >country?  I think not.
> >
> >In any case, what we are going to do in California is do what should
> have
> >been done 25 years ago- completely switch to renewable energy sources.
> >There are about a thousand entrenched obstacles, but we really have no
> >other choice.  There are thousands of people in California that are
> >behind this approach, from all levels of society.  We are going to build
> >ethanol and biodiesel processing plants, using local agriculture, we are
> >going to build and manufacture solar arrays and wind turbines, and
> anyone
> >with the necessary skills can participate.  Everyone I talk to has had
> >enough of the energy barons and the ripoffs - see Greg Palast's chapter
> on
> >"California Reamin'" in his new book for the details.  We want no part
> of
> >the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Ashcroft junta and their dreams of world
> >conquest.  What do they worry about most?  Losing control of the energy
> >supply - which is what renewable, dispersed energy means to them, which
> is
> >why the first thing they did was to slash the renewable research budget.
> >
> >Yes, the propaganda is piled on thick here - see for a
> >cleverly disguised example.  The theme of this site is that we (in the
> US)
> >are going to die a horrible death of energy starvation unless we grab
> the
> >world's oil....since only an idiot would trust solar energy and
> >biofuels to 'do the job'....This is high-brow propaganda - for more
> >examples, see, and then try doing a Google search for
> >'luntzspeak'- is that a first?  Is that really censorship on Google?  I
> >hope its just technical.
> >
> >GW BUSH Luntzspeak:
> >"I'm proposing 1.2 billion in research funding so that America can lead
> >the world in developing clean, hydrogen-powered automobiles...The first
> >car driven by a child born today could be powered by hydrogen, and
> >pollution-free."
> >
> >GW BUSH English translation: "The Big 3 automakers have fought for
> decades
> >against fuel efficiency.  But, its the State of the Union, and I need a
> >way to look green.  By 'proposing' research funding, I can put off any
> >real emissions reductions for years."
> >
> >
> >
> >Anyhow, this list is great.  Best wishes, Karus Solem
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