
I'm not sure about your point on NATO. As I understand it, NATO was set up 
during the cold war to stand again the Soviet block. Since the cold war is 
over, is it needed? I think the 'Hawks' in the U.S.A. would say that NATO 
wasn't very beneficial to the U.S. cause during this last Iraq war. I think 
they would probably say the U.S. might as well withdraw from NATO and seek 
bilateral agreements where they are most beneficial. I also think they would 
say that it is about time for the Europeans to stand on their own feet and not 
expect the U.S. to continue to cover for them!! Certainly the U.S. could save 
heaps of tax money to better spend on domestic programs if they withdrew from 
Germany. They could probably meet all their current needs with the air base in 
the UK, the naval station in Rota, Spain, and air refueling points in the 
Azores and Spain. Personally, I think Europe has made such strides with the 
common market, the common currency, and common standards, that they should 
strive for more independence in defense matters.

I totally agree with you that the ransacking of the museum in Bagdad is a 
tragedy beyond words. I also am horrified that the Iraqi National Library and 
Archives were burned (who was trying to cover up 30 some years of crimes??). 
The only thing that I can say, is that I don't think the U.S. imagined that 
the Iraqis would do it to themselves, and that these places needed to be 
defended against their own people. The looters were even ransacking their own 
hospitals, according to reports that I have read. I don't think anyone 
anticipated the level of looting. It is so against Islam to steal. I guess it 
is an indication of how absolutely downtrodden and destitute the people 
were/are. The oil fields and the oil ministry would have been seen as economic 
targets of the old regime which needed to be defended. So...although I agree 
with you that it is awful, I don't read into it some sort of hidden agenda. 
Swallow thinking, yes. Lack of anticipation, yes. Stubborn arrogance on the 
part of Rumsfield, yes. Lack of the foresight to put sufficient troops on the 
ground to cover unplanned needs, yes. And, relative to this last point, some 
of this was due to the fact that the U.S. did not open up the northern 
approach from Turkey due to Turkey not allowing this. This meant that the 
entire fourth division that would have entered from the north was still 
sitting on its hands in Texas. The U.S. had a very slimmed down plan as it 
was, and the fact that these troops didn't enter, made it very much more 
difficult. So...they could blow things up from the air, but not have 
sufficient troops on the ground to do things like protect strategic areas, to 
protect things like the archives and the museum.

For your thoughts,

Derek Hargis

> Andrew,
> I agree.
> It seems to me that the biggest challenge for the world is
> if it can deal with the Iraq events in an evenhanded way. It
> means that the "Coalition of the Barbarians" (referring  to
> the cultural education that made them protect the oil ministry
> instead of the heritage of the world), should stand scrutiny
> according to the Geneva convention.
> UN is now needed more than ever and NATO should be
> dismantled in favor of a EU defence organization. The
> world need some balance.
> Hakan
> At 10:21 AM 4/22/2003 +0100, you wrote:
> >On Fri, 18 Apr 2003 13:19:30 +0200, "Hakan Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > >
> > > Bush, Rumsfeld, Powell, Blair and Howard have secured a prominent place
> > > in
> > > the world history,...
> >
> >snip
> >
> > >..It is also a war crime, according to the Geneva convention.
> > >
> > > Hakan
> > >
> >
> >I,ve seen a number of photos of dead Iraqi soldiers holding white flags.
> >One of the pictures was on the front page of the UK 'Independent'
> >newspaper, showing two soldiers dead in a 2-3 man dug-out trench, one
> >clutching a white flag. Several US soldiers stood by the trench.
> >
> >None of this seems to have attracted any comment whatsoever in mainstream
> >media discussion.
> >
> >
> >Andrew Preston

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