More on Bechtel:

Bechtel: Oil Gas and Mining

Bechtel Wins Iraq War Contracts

Bechtel's Friends in High Places

Bechtel's Water Wars

Big Dig, Big Bucks

Bechtel's Nuclear Nightmares


A Time to Break Silence:
U.S. complicity in Saddam's crimes against humanity

Hewlett Packard and Bechtel aided Iraq's WMD Programs

Daddy Warbucks
Bush Pals Get Rich Off Iraq

The Bidders: Campaign Contributions Since 1999
Bechtel Group Inc.
Halliburton Co.
Fluor Corp.
Parsons Corp.
Louis Berger Group Inc.

Postwar Profiteers
How a handful of construction firms got an early invitation to rebuild Iraq.

Ultimate Insiders

Say It Slowly: It Was About Oil

Which Companies Will Put Iraq Back Together?
Bush Post War Plans Amount To History's Biggest Giveaway To Political Buddies

The Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection

How Much Were Bush and Cheney Involved?

List of US Companies That Sold Weapons Technology to Iraq

And so on.



>Icarus Solem wrote:
>>Yes, it seems true.  There is a guy named Chris Floyd on the web who has
>>been writing about that for some time.  Apparently, the fossil fuel lobby
>>is behind all these people (even the Gore family has $500,000 + in
>>Occidental Petroleum stock), and the Bush Administration
>>Cheney-Halliburton, Rice-Chevron, Whitman-Amoco, Bush-Harken (use their
>>full names,now) reads like a who's-who - not even bothering to use proxy
>>politicians anymore - of the 'Seven Sisters' of Standard Oil.
>Don't forget Rumsfeld:
>Rumsfeld's Old Flame 
>Everyone's heard of Vice President Dick Cheney's ties to 
>Halliburton, a company standing on the brink of a bonanza as the 
>government doles out post-war reconstruction dollars. But not enough 
>has been revealed about Bechtel, a reported finalist for the first 
>round of contracts, and its connections to another of the war's 
>architects: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. It's a sordid little 
>tale, and one that calls into question the depth of Rumsfeld's 
>virtuous claims about his intentions to liberate the Iraqis.
> >In "Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured US Government Focus 
>On Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein" the Institute for Policy 
>Studies reveals that the diplomatic pressure from Rumsfeld and the 
>Reagan administration happened during and despite Hussein's use of 
>chemical weapons. Behind the scenes, these officials worked for two 
>years attempting to secure the billion dollar pipeline scheme for 
>the Bechtel corporation. The Bush/Cheney administration now eyes 
>Bechtel as a primary contractor for the rebuilding of Iraq's 
>- From: "Rumsfeld Ignored Weapons Of Mass Destruction In Pursuit Of 
>Oil Pipeline"
>>It is the
>>old game of global domination and control, based on the world trade in
>>fossil fuels, backed up the fact that oil must be traded in dollars.  Who
>>pays the price?  The people of Argentina, the Middle East, Columbia,
>>Venezuela, California, etc.
>Closely tied to the military... I've been watching this unfolding 
>since the 70s, especially after the fall of the Shah of Iran, with 
>the sneaky step-by-step back-door moves of what was then called the 
>Rapid Deployment Force to station US troops in Saudi Arabia, finally 
>accomplished with Gulf War v1, and, I'm certain, a, or even the, 
>major goal of Gulf War v1. Horrific consequences have been predicted 
>for 25 years, including by me. Sept 11 fits the bill pretty well. 
>How much simpler it would have been just to have dealt honestly and 
>honorably with Mossadeq in Iran in the 50s in the first place, 
>instead of a sleazy CIA-backed coup to salve the paranoias of the 
>Seven Sisters. And what a sad and futile path we've all travelled 
>since then, and still travel now, because of these blind, arrogant, 
>murderous and downright insane fools. Christians they call 
>themselves, huh. Three blind monkeys they worship - greed, fear and 
> | News
>The Thirty-Year Itch
>Three decades ago, in the throes of the energy crisis, Washington's 
>hawks conceived of a strategy for US control of the Persian Gulf's 
>oil. Now, with the same strategists firmly in control of the White 
>House, the Bush administration is playing out their script for 
>global dominance.
>By Robert Dreyfuss
>March/April 2003 Issue
>P L U S :
>Oil and Arms: An In-Depth Look
>If you were to spin the globe and look for real estate critical to 
>building an American empire, your first stop would have to be the 
>Persian Gulf. The desert sands of this region hold two of every 
>three barrels of oil in the world -- Iraq's reserves alone are 
>equal, by some estimates, to those of Russia, the United States, 
>China, and Mexico combined. For the past 30 years, the Gulf has been 
>in the crosshairs of an influential group of Washington 
>foreign-policy strategists, who believe that in order to ensure its 
>global dominance, the United States must seize control of the region 
>and its oil. Born during the energy crisis of the 1970s and refined 
>since then by a generation of policymakers, this approach is finding 
>its boldest expression yet in the Bush administration -- which, with 
>its plan to invade Iraq and install a regime beholden to Washington, 
>has moved closer than any of its predecessors to transforming the 
>Gulf into an American protectorate.
>>Sometimes two plus two does add up to four.
>>Unfortunately, people with ties to the US economic system can't seem to
>>think beyond the amount of cash in their pockets.  The double-blind
>>system, where individuals see their 'fund performance' and funds see their
>>'companies performance' and CEO's serve their shareholders first, and
>>their upper management second, and their lower-level staff and communities
>>last...well, this 'double blind' means that the average citizen doesn't
>>see the harm done by keeping their money in these funds - which is how
>>they like it, not having any moral dilemma to deal with.  They don't
>>realize that all they are doing is arguing over who gets the first-class
>>rooms on the Titanic, while putting all their faith in the captain's
>>decisions.  Personally, I had my head down in books for years because I
>>thought renewables were scientifically sound, and when I couldn't seem to
>>make progress within the system, I started to ask why?  And the answers
>>were most unpleasant...
>Yes, aren't they just...
>Do CEOs serve their shareholders first, or just themselves, these days?
> >What Ronald Sugar [Northrop] also forgot to mention is that as 
>contracts have been divvied up, defense contractor CEO pay has also 
>been on the rise: Sugar's pay rose from 7.3 million dollars in 2000 
>to 9.2 million in 2002. The CEO of Lockheed Martin, the number one 
>defense contractor, raised his pay from 5.8 million in 2000 to 25.3 
>million in 2002. They are not alone. Forbes reports that median pay 
>for CEOs at U.S. defense contractors climbed 79 percent from 2001 to 
>2002, while overall pay for CEOs increased only 6 percent.
>- From: "Northrop Grumbling", May 2, 2003,
>See also Paul Krugman's "For Richer" - excellent:
>NYT Magazine October 20, 2002
>>On Fri, 2 May 2003, Kris Book wrote:
>> > I believe that when the truth is told about our current
>> > regime (Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush), this period in
>> > history will be called the most corrupt government of all
>> > time. Even the Barbarian Horde did nothing more sinister
>> > and evil than these good ol' boys.
>> >
>> > That's right, I'm saying that the same group has been in
>> > power since 1981, and with the exception of Jimmy Carter
>> > this group probably goes all the way back to the Johnson
>> > administration.
>> >
>> > kris
>> >
>> > --- MH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > > This guy uses mainstream media to tell the real story,
>> > > or
>> > > > at least a more believeable story than the Republican
>> > > spin
>> > > > we've been getting.
>> > > >
>> > > > kris
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >  Thank you Kris!  That's quite a bit of documentation
>> > > about --
>> > >  The 9/11 Timeline 10-Page Summary
>> > >  Was 9/11 Allowed to Happen?

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