It would appear that the ultra-conservative Buchanan is attempting to
deflect responsibility for the Iraq war and the disinformation stream that
led up to it upon Paul Wolfowitz and away from the president of the US.

That's one very extensive, elaborate and interesting conspiriacy theory
where everyone in the inner sanctum is either player or pawn and the
president is isolated from all fact and sound reason. The world is to
believe that these lower echelons are principled, ethical and "moral" enough
as to contrive an elaborate and extensive conspiracy network that will
exclude the president? ...for what? ....his own protection?..., yet
unscrupulous enough as to propigate mis- and dis-information that will lead
a nation to a military assault?

If this were true, that the president had no knowledge of the numerous
errors being represented as fact, it boldly declares that virtually everyone
involved in this conspiracy truly believes that George W. Bush is so
absolutely ignorant as to be swayed by anything that he is told -  having
not one saving thread of  intellect or discernment - an imbecile and the
moron that so many other international government appointees and electees
have stated he as being, whether in print or under breath.

I'm sorry, but it's a bit doubtful that even Mr. Bush is that ignorant and
equally as doubtful that such a complete conspiracy could be pulled off
without his knowledge or participation.

It is, however, far more likely that he and his entire adminsistration are
arrogant enough to think that they can manipulate an entire nation into
support of a war propped up by nothing more than fear, with the unmitigated
gall as to expect there to be no consequential fallout from their deception.

It is also a fair assessment that up to this point Ari Fleischer is just
about the only member of this administration that has an understanding of
where the truth will lead. Unfortunately the first time he exercises that
understanding in a demonstrable way is to remove his own skin from the daily
 flogging of public damnation that is inevitable as the truth unravels.

As for Mr. Buchanan's intent to deflect and derail? Since when has a leopard
ever lost its spots?

Todd Swearingen

>  An Unnecessary War
>   Pat Buchanan [a two time candidate for the Republican U.S. presidential
>   June 4 2003
>  What was America's real motive for attacking Iraq?  Was it oil?  Empire?
To make the Middle East
>  safe for Sharon?
>  That these questions are being asked, not only by America's critics, is
the fault of the
>  administration alone.  For its crucial argument as to why it had no
choice but to launch the
>  first preventive war in American history is collapsing like a sand castle
in a rising surf.
>  Iraq, in retrospect, was no threat whatsoever to the United States.  We
fought an unnecessary war,
>  and now we must rebuild a nation at a rising cost in blood and treasure.
>  Before the war, many who opposed it argued that no matter the evil
character of Saddam,
>  Iraq had not attacked us, did not threaten us, did not want war with us,
could not defeat us.
>  Why then were we about to invade Iraq?   [more]
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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