<x-charset ISO-8859-1>>Global Warming
>I donç” intend to be a heretic and only want to
>mention that the Earthç“ climate follows a strange
>attractor and there are mathematical reasons, verified
>by experiment, why itç“ not possible to know what will
>happen to global temperature with the addition of CO2.
> The temp may go up, go down, or remain about the
>same.  Hereç“ a readable introduction to the subject
>from Harvard Science Review
>Chaos All Around
>Best regards,

Hello Ken

I'm sure you'll be able to find equally scientific views also duly 
verified by experiment that claim just the opposite, and yet others 
that claim something different to both. CO2 is not the only factor at 
work, and I don't think anyone claims it is, or at least not anybody 
to be taken half-seriously.

What it all boils down to (or perhaps up to) is a clash between two 
incompatible approaches. One is the old way, soon to follow the 
dinosaurs, that maintains that "There's no proof that..." so let's 
get on with business-as-usual, while increasing the PR budget by 10% 
to ensure that anything that might begin to look like proof gets 
discredited, no matter how, chuck some more money at the Wise Use 
think-tanks so spin can continue to accomplish for public opinion 
what reason can't, and chuck a bit more at the FCC lobbyists to help 
that along a bit too, and maybe appoint a new Risk Assessment manager 
to make sure all risks are taken by others, though the causes may be 
ours, and that none of it hits the bottom line, since that's all that 
really counts.

The other way is the Precautionary Principle.

If there was ever a case for the Precautionary Principle and against 
the Way of the Ostrich, climate-change has to be it.

Did you see this, by the way?

Global effort to plot climate change

Distributed climate model aims for errors
10:28 12 September 03

Here's a previous message about a view that's still being taken 
seriously, that rising O2 levels will lead to a sudden and 
catastrophic new Ice Age - just the sort of thing the Pentagon seems 
to be waxing anxious about:

Ahh... what the hell - pollution, slavery, overpopulation, hunger and 
poverty, war, death and disaster, all such cheerful stuff... Here's a 
message from the future, we could use a bit of scathe and a giggle I 

I wrote this 1990 in a fit of impatience - I was running an 
environmental publishing agency out of London and doing a job for a 
big organics group that kept humming and hahing and making me miss 
their deadlines. Now it seems strangely prophetic. If you think it's 
completely mad, well, so do I, but then, so is this:

Deadly Fast-Food Superbug Kills One, Sickens Hundreds Of Teens
Teenagers are being hit by a fast-food salmonella superbug that has 
already killed one victim and made 332 others ill. - The Times, 
London, 9 September, 2000

Man dies from 'fast food bug'
Government experts are investigating an outbreak of a fast-food 
superbug which has claimed one life and made hundreds ill. The 
outbreak is being caused by a strain of salmonella that is resistant 
to all commonly used antibiotics. Most of those affected have been 
teenagers and young adults, which has led doctors to believe that it 
may be caused by fast food. - BBC, London, 11 September, 2000

Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic In Children Coming
An increasing number of American children are being diagnosed with 
type 2 diabetes. The rise in type 2 diabetes cases in young people 
has led experts to label the disease an emerging epidemic. Until 
recently, the disorder was known as adult-onset diabetes because it 
occurred mostly in men and women over age 50. - Reuters Health, New 
York, 13 September, 2000


Harrods to sell elixir-of-life

ORGANIC lemmingsmilk yoghurt is soon to be made available in London's 
Knightsbridge. The preserve of the exceedingly wealthy, this rare and 
exotic product has legendary health benefits bestowed by the unique 
blend of micro-organisms in the yoghurt culture, which encourage a 
perfect balance of the vital intestinal flora in humans.

The Hong Kong premier, Chairperson Strangelove Chang, whose genetic 
fingerprints have now established as fact his claim to be the early 
Qing Dynasty Emperor Ching Kuo-xiu (1652-), has revealed that his 
extraordinary longevity is due to his thrice-daily dose of powdered 
Huang Shan ginseng root with a lemming yoghurt milkshake mixed with 
an ounce of ground panda-liver and a tot of rum.

This has been substantiated by reports that the mysterious Mutual 
Cooperation Agreement between the People's Republics of Hong Kong and 
Norway is in fact underpinned by a devious arrangement that transfers 
enormous quantities of counterfeit designer denimwear made by Hong 
Kong-owned factories in China to Norway, from where it finds its way 
into bona fide Levi-Strauss and Wrangler warehouses in the West, to 
be supplied as authentic jeans back to China's huge and wealthy 
middle-class bureaucrat market.

Norway's middleman profits from this more than pay for the entire 
production of lemmingsmilk yoghurt, which is flown to Hong Kong.

Despite extensive covert US operations against the private armies run 
by the Evil Jeans Barons in the Norwegian fjords, the deal has been 
so profitable that it has been cited as the main reason the Norwegian 
economy survived the cataclysmic world economic collapse of 2007, 
after the new Ice Age brought on by the Greenhouse Effect had seen 
Western energy use soar to heights that used up the total world oil 
reserves as well as the entire dendrothermal capacity of the tropical 
rain forests in only 19 months.

But all that mattered to the arch gerontocrat in Hong Kong's 
Forbidden Penthouse was that he had cornered the world market in the 
fabled lemmingsmilk health drink.

Limited quantities of the elixir have been available to the very rich 
and well-connected, as Chairperson Chang has preferred to market the 
small amounts in excess to his own needs rather than share it with 
Hong Kong's second-echelon gerontocrats.

However, two new developments have changed the lemmingsmilk situation 
radically. One is that the Arbuthnot-Gromm fjord partridges which 
milk the lemmings on the way down are being decimated by what is 
believed to be a rogue variant of the deadly English sea-lion virus.

The virus was encouraged, it is thought, by the illegal processing in 
an Oslo beavermince-and-rollmop-burger factory of Finnish reindeer 
meat, still polluted by radioactive caesium from the Sizewell 

This factory was supplying the MacTucky international burger chain 
after worldwide consumption of beavermince-and-rollmop-burgers soared 
when it was discovered that they helped suppress both pimples and 
Alzheimer's disease in teenagers, and the supply of beavers had run 

The Oslo factory secretly dumped radioactive reindeer offal in the 
sea, where it was eaten by virus-carrying seals. The caesium caused 
the virus to mutate; killer whales preying on the seals passed the 
new virus into the sea, whence it passed to the Arctic medusa fish, 
which is the winter staple of the fjord partridges, which soon 
started dying.

The lemmings, in turn, died unmilked. Milk hunters raiding cliff-face 
partridge nests last season found many nests deserted, and the 
symbiotic pitcher-plants which grow beside them empty and dying.

Production is reported to have been a mere 29 per cent of the 
previous season's yield.

The second development was a breakthrough announced by Britlem plc, 
the commercial arm of the British Captive Lemming Association based 
at Dover in Kent, where they hold grazing rights on the cliff-top 

Unbeknown to Chairperson Chang and his henchpersons, a dissident 
fishing cormorant breeder, Comrade Suzetta L. Wong, who fled her 
fishing commune in the Pearl River Delta two years ago, had been 
cooperating with the Dover group to find a substitute for the 

This involved playing recordings of lemming squeaks to cormorant eggs 
in incubators and subjecting the newly-hatched chicks to 
lemming-nest-based virtual reality synthesisers to persuade them that 
their mothers were lemmings.

A subtle twist was to build an Oedipus module into the synthesiser 
program. Comrade Wong reported best results from young male 
cormorants which exhibited some degree of imagination on the 
Corbitz-Slee scale.

Poorest results were always from female birds, which tended to get 
distracted by male lemmings.

The moment of truth for the cormorant initiative came in secret 
trials at Dover last July, when members of the Captive Lemming 
Association released 170 organically-raised lemmings at the frozen 
clifftop while Comrade Wong, below, released 85 imaginative young 
male cormorants. It worked - the birds had milked most of the 
lemmings before they were halfway down.

As Association members loaded the squashed lemmings from the bottom 
of the cliff onto a waiting MacTucky truck, Comrade Wong emptied the 
Durex milk-sheaths attached to the rings round the cormorants' necks.

The result: 13 pints of full-cream organic lemmingsmilk.

Tests showed that the vital adrenaline level upon which the correct 
fermentation depends (the whole reason that lemmings are only milked 
on the way down) was as high or higher than the optimum levels 
recorded in traditional fjord collections.

The Association's strategy is to mount a discreet publicity campaign 
in the People's Republic of Knightsbridge and Kensington to sell the 
20-odd gallons of lemmingsmilk yoghurt now being produced at Dover 
each month.

Selling price will be 15 organ-bank credits per quarter-pint - only 
slightly less than Chairperson Chang reportedly pays (albeit in 
counterfeit denim).

The good Chairperson, who must be starting to feel his age as his 
Norwegian lemmingsmilk runs out, will certainly hear of this.

The Association plans to use its growing control of the lemmingsmilk 
yoghurt market as an ace in the next round of negotiations with Hong 
Kong over the return to People's Britain of the leasehold territories 
of Scotland and Tunbridge Wells.

Mr Grimble Thang, chief executive of the Organic Lemmingsmilk 
Research Association, said: "We've put it to the British Foreign 
Minister, Dr Hokusai Yamamoto, and he said he'll let us know. We 
suggested that the British delegation at the talks might demand 
Mayfair back too, as a premium - it's organic lemmingsmilk yoghurt, 
after all."

Meanwhile MacTucky UK is in the midst of a growing storm following 
findings that certain enzyme-like compounds occurring in lemming 
brains can cause a human form of Lemming Spongiform Encephalitis 
(LSE), or brainrot, which is reputedly even more debilitating than 
the teenage strain of Alzheimer's disease the popular MacTucky 
beavermince-and-rollmop-burgers are supposed to help prevent.

The controversy arose following investigations by this reporter into 
why MacTucky UK had suppressed the results of a poll of teenagers in 
Dover it had commissioned, which revealed that 87 per cent of 
respondents, when asked why they preferred MacTucky 
beavermince-and-rollmop-burgers, replied: "I can't remember." The 
other 13 per cent didn't understand the question.

Ironically, the only known treatment for LSE is - lemmingsmilk 
yoghurt. But the beaverburger kids can't afford it.

Britlem was unhelpful. "If the teenagers were organically raised they 
wouldn't get either disease, nor pimples," said Grimble Thang, who 
celebrated his 139th birthday last week by skating non-stop across 
the English Channel and back.

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