theis to responnd to kparticularr posts sso i woll do itthis way untill i get it riahgt,firsttt let me tell who and what i am, , i was retireddd millwright, mavnchinisst untill 3 yhears ago, my heart arrested, the dxamage is similaair to straoke,, intellect iss intact,,,,, coantroall is not,,, the brain knowsss how to spelll, the finddgers do not, pleaseeeee dojnn not ask me to correfct my spelling, or usse spelllcheck, if i could do that i woujld have been doing that three years ago, i dont remever much aboujt day beforeee yesterrday or last week with anay degreeee of accuraacy, but i rember 30, 20 ye3ars ago,i was a gas and staeaam turbine millwright,, i am ,was also precissisln machinist,,i will not respond in anay way to political or ereligious questions, my back groaund is highly technicalll, i had to undersstand how thisngs worked,,,, i will try to help in any waya in aresas that i am knowledgaable,, first to kim,, you canntot get freezing temps without putting some kind of energbgy into the sstystem, thats tanstafl, u may get mother nature to help,, i live in the high desert, the average humidityh is about 6-7 percent. sometimes lesss, we use evap coolerss to cool our house, (latent heat of evapoaration), it has fiber pads which are pumped with water, fan drawss air thru cooling the usual 105 d4egree air to about 75-80 and the waterr in the bottom of the pan is usulally about 60, thats mother nature helping,,,, if the humitdity is higher, 30-50 then the colller doesnt work very well, thats eficiency,, dryer,, more efficient,,, more humidity, less efficiendt,,,, your ground temp, 65 isnt bad,,, if you go down 12-14 most anyplace around the worlddd, except near the polses, or polar regions,,, you will find 68-70 degrees,,,, except in geothermal regions, if your ground temp is 65,, possible,, then your 85 degree water temp in highlsy unlikely,, try this,,, wrap a large bucket with burlap,, arrange a drip so thaat it driops on the burlap, dont let the drp water drip inside the abucket, if yourhumiotdity lefel is low enough, you will get water cool enough to enjhoy drinking,i hope u wont athink this mean of me, but if u want somesting, u misst first understand what your asking for, and u cannot get a great energy exchange,, ambient to freezizng, without energy,, and if your ground temp is 65, and your waater temp is 85,,,?? have u measuredd the water temp just out ofthe ground, the more we know, the more we can help,i hope u ;wont think me rude, i have been thru this manyyyy times, soem poeple want there texxt deliverd to them without error,,, correct in syintax and punctuataion,, and these thisnks are not posssible with me, this is what i have,, the circuits are scaramled, and all the dirsire on my partt and all the reminddders from (regular) peo;oe will not help me, this is what i have, for the friend wanting to put pure o2 in your diesel,, dont dio it,, the dark smoke is engines response to temporary lug, overfuell, under rpm condition, the engine is getting enough fuelo for say 3000 rpm,, what u put into it wouty your accelerator pedal,, the engine wants tor run 3000 but the loaddd at the time holds it to say 1000.. so u get smoke,,,, if you put o2 in thereeeee, oxy combines readily with hydrocarboan readily, even without compression,, oxy on oily handss or closthes has put many machanincs in the hopspital, if you put o2 form your medical oxy bottle,, you will mosst likely get a lawn ornament,as the fuel injection sysstem is very carefully engineeered fuel, air managemanet system,, and you will not be able to easily control the necessary input of oxy,, if any of this upsets you,,, say so and i will cheerfully withdraww, buck

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