I believe you are right in many ways.  It is kind of scary.  You know
history repeats itself, and  humans are destined to repeat their mistakes
until they learn from them.  Much of America is so  busy defending our every
action and reaction, that we do not learn from our mistakes, or change our
ways of dealing with important issues.  We are destined to keep repeating
mistakes made in history, as long as we remain so stubborn and proud.  We
have to be willing to say "Hey, we did not handle this right, how can we do
this better.... or Hey, this was not right when so and so did it, so why do
we think we have the right to act this way?"  Yet as a nation we are too
proud.  This blind patriotism is thought from day one in kindergarten, the
only way to combat this type thinking is to change the way we are teaching
our children to think.  If our teachers could tell their students it is more
important to be honest, accountable, fair, rather than patriotic, then
perhaps in twenty years we could see a difference in America, American
Politics, and eventually in world events.  But far too many people are
"Proud to be and American".  I am proud to be and American, but I am more
proud to be a world citizen, a human, and a child of God.  Christian,
Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, etc..... whatever faith you follow, we all eventually
pray to the same God.  These are far more important than being an
American. --  JRD

> Hello,
> You said in your email below:
> "I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre
> WWII Germany"
> We ARE ALREADY down that path.  And it involves far
> more than Bush. It's about American world domination
> for which Bush is just a current advocate.
> --ME
> --- Jennifer Doty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Amen!
> >
> > > > Hi Allan,
> > > >
> > > > Not so long ago, people around the world were
> > concerned about the spread
> > > > of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the
> > next Russian leader
> > would
> > > > be a moderate, not one of the old-guard
> > intelligence community
> > > > hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and
> > invading strategic territory
> > > > abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms
> > at home.
> > > >
> > > Substitute "American Imperialism" for "Communism"
> > and "Washington" for
> > > "Moscow" and you then have the real reason for
> > defeating Bush.
> > Hard-liners
> > > on either end of the spectrum are bad for the
> > country they are in as well
> > as
> > > the rest of the world, and Bush is a perfect
> > example of American
> > hard-liners
> > > at their worst.  As someone who truly is a
> > centrist, I can not see how
> > > anyone who would support the current regime could
> > call themselves anything
> > > but a right wing extremist, if they have any clue
> > of what's really going
> > on.
> > > Of course, those who rely on Fox News for all of
> > their information are
> > > simply misinformed, but there is enough evidence
> > of reality out there for
> > > even them to know that they are choosing to remain
> > that way.  Just my
> > $.02.
> > >
> > > Brian
> > >
> >
> > It is so sad that people choose to remain ignorant,
> > and call it patriotism.
> > I fear we may be heading in the same direction as
> > pre WWII Germany  -  JRD

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