Hello Richard,

My comments about the military were actually from recalling a story
about the reserves having to operate equipment during their annual duty
(prior to having to actually serve in a conflict).  One local commander
allowed the operators skills and equipment use to be applied toward
environmental service.  In this case it was win-win-win.  The troops
served their duty, the equipment went to good use, and the community
profited from a well-planned cooperative action.  So as an exemplary
project, it showed that men (women) in service could be more than
war-based.  In the mythological sense, Mars is the god of war AND the
protector of the fields.  Trivia, to be sure, but from whence are our
beliefs born?

Best wishes,

In response to Peggy. Use of the Army or Air Force for
Civil works is dicey from the politics of the Civil
War. There is a legacy feeling that the Feds should
stay out of the way for things that counties could do
for themselves. But then the counties don't do those
things anyway. What is a poor citizen to do?
Check out this link for posse comitatus.

Posse Comitatus Act
Source: G-OPL

"POSSE COMITATUS ACT" (18 USC 1385): A Reconstruction
Era criminal law proscribing use of Army (later, Air
Force) to "execute the laws" except where expressly
authorized by Constitution or Congress. <<SNIP>>

Most States are still trying to recover from
"Navigable Waterways" laws which gave the Army Corps
of Engineers defacto control of much of the land in
the United States. The term "execute the laws" is
tightly guarded by states and even more tightly

However, I think Peggy is on the right track. Beating
swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks.
The military academies are probably the only schools
that had a curriculum to support environmental goals.
But even the Academies have abandoned the
environmental track. Also of interest is the Whiskey
Rebellion and Advisory Boards, if you want to explore
the policies.

--- Peggy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Ross,
> The pentagon can actually do a lot of good.  Please
> recall an ultimate
> task that can be assigned to a new age army
> (military forces)...
> policing environmental issues--making positive
> changes via engineering
> and brute strength to benefit citizens. 

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