>Actually, I think Bush must have gotten the idea as to how to explain the 
>reason that it was still the right thing to have gone to war in Iraq, even 
>though no WMD have been found, from Senator Kerry's speech in Congress of Oct. 
>9, 2002, in which Kerry said, "I believe the record of Saddam Hussein's 
>ruthless, reckless breach of international values and standards of 
>behavior....is cause enough for the world community to hold him accountable by 
>use of force, if necessary..." (Complete speech can be found in the 
>Congressional Record)
And to bring democracy to Iraq, of course.   Bush simplified the words a lot:
"Bad guy, good war, bring good democracy to Iraqis."
Or something like that.
No wonder Bush snickers every time Kerry says he was tricked into voting to 
authorize the use of force.

Hello All ;
>Congressman Ron Paul, in Ron Pauls' Freedom Report,
>March 2004 :
>"Since no weapons of mass destruction or link to al
>Qaeda have been found in Iraq, the explanation given
>now for having gone there was top bring democracy to
>the Iraqi people.  Yet now we hear that the Iraqis are
>demanding immediate free elections not controlled by
>the United States and our administration says the
>Iraqi people are not yet ready for free elections. 
>DOESN'T WANT. Democratic elections will have to wait."
>--- Ken Riznyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I guess Bush has to inflate the numbers, because
>> 3,000
>> is a small number compared to the other atrocities
>> that have occurred.
>> Already there are about 12,000 Iraqi civilians
>> killed
>> 20,000 died in Bhopal, neither Union Carbide nor Dow
>> which bought Union Carbide has paid one penny in
>> reparation.
>> 1 million died in the Rawanda massacre
>> who knows how may are dying in Dakar
>> 40,000 are slaughtered each year on American
>> highways
>> half by drunk drivers
>> 10 million African babies die each year from
>> starvation
>> 1 million Armenians were massacared by the Turks
>> Hitler exterminated 10 million
>> Stalin killed about 20 million
>> And the land of liberty and freedom, now committed
>> to
>> granting "democracy" to others, completely decimated
>> its native population in its formative years, 
>> Done with my soap box ranting
>> Ken
>> --- Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Following some of the election speeches by Bush,
>> he
>> > is talking by the 
>> > 3,800+ Americans that died at WTC. If I am not
>> > completely misinformed, 
>> > about half of them were foreign nationals
>> > originally, but they must have 
>> > been adopted by presidential decree or some other
>> > mechanism. A very nice 
>> > gesture, but the problem I have, were they asked
>> > before they became 
>> > Americans? I heard that if you are born on
>> American
>> > soil, you are 
>> > automatically American or have the right to be, I
>> > did not know that it was 
>> > the same case if you died on American soil.
>> > 
>> > Hakan 
>> > 
>> > 
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