> I've heard that they are bogus, but the person who told me 
> spent the time to research accurate figures and the following 
> analysis.
> "So, that last graphic turned out to be taken from an old 
> hoax, circa 2000.  But, curious, I dug up the real data. So, 
> here it is. And there's a numerical correlation of 26.7% 
> between IQ and margin of victory for Kerry.  Meaning that 
> 26.7% of how much a state voted for Bush, statistically 
> speaking, can be explained by related to their collective IQ. 
> It's important to note that correlation does not imply causation.
> But there is a legitimate relationship there, numerically.

Chris -- Ask this person what math he/she used to arrive at that
correlation.  While you're at it, see if you can determine his/her
credentials as a statistician.

Remember --> There are lies; damned lies; and then, there are statistics.

The site I provided (http://www.sq.4mg.com/IQstates.htm) has a link to more
reasonable numbers.  There are numbers that are based around elementary
school testing (reading and math) and sets based around SAT/ACT data.  The
results really aren't that compelling.  Bush states come in with an average
of 99, Kerry states with an average of 101.  An interesting fact of note --
southern states, with larger minority groups, typically have lower IQ
averages and typically vote Democrat.  Even they did not vote for Kerry.
For that matter, Edwards' home state didn't fall in line with the ticket.
Of course, the losing side is just claiming foul play -- disenfranchisement,
challengers, lost ballots, hanging chads, and so forth.  The Democrats also
lost further control of congress and other political seats -- even Daschle
was unseated.  In the end, the Democrats just went with the wrong candidate;
had they gone with Dean, Bush would not be getting a second term.

Kerry States:

District of Columbia    95
Delaware        99
Hawaii  99
California      100
Maine   100
New Jersey      100
Pennsylvania    100
Rhode Island    100
Maryland        101
Michigan        101
New York        101
Connecticut     102
Illinois        102
Minnesota       102
Washington      102
Oregon  103
New Hampshire   104
Vermont 102
Massachusetts   103
Wisconsin       103

Bush States:

Mississippi     94
South Carolina  94
New Mexico      96
Alabama 97
Georgia 97
Kentucky        97
Louisiana       97
North Carolina  97
Tennessee       97
Texas   97
Florida 98
Arkansas        98
Indiana 99
Arizona 100
Idaho   100
Nevada  100
South Dakota    100
Virginia        100
West Virginia   100
Alaska  101
Missouri        101
Ohio    101
Utah    101
Wyoming 101
Colorado        102
Iowa    102
Kansas  102
Montana 102
Nebraska        102
North Dakota    102
Oklahoma        102

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